Acronym Extension

The acronym extension provides a convenient way to defined acronyms that may be used throughout all documentation pages. On each page the full text and acronym definition will be displayed the first time is used, as shown in Example 1.


When viewing on the website a tooltip is created for the acronyms, the full name will appear when the mouse is placed over the acronym.

Example 1: Example use of acronyms.

The [!ac](INL) was founded in 1949 and has changed names many times, but [!ac](INL) has
been used since 2005.

The INL was founded in 1949 and has changed names many times, but INL has been used since 2005.

Acronym List

A list of acronyms can be created by using the !acronym list command. Table 1 show the available options for this command.

Table 1: Available configuration options for the !acronym list command.

styleNoneThe style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag.
classNoneThe class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag.
idNoneThe class settings to be passed to the rendered tag.
completeFalseShow the complete list of acronyms regardless of use on current page.
locationNoneThe markdown content directory to build the list from.
headingTrueDisplay the headings row of the acronym table.
prefixTablePrefix to use when a caption and id are provided.
captionNoneThe caption to use for the acronym table.

Example 2: Example of the !acronym list command.

!acronym list complete=True
ADautomatic differentiation
AMPAsset Management Plan
APIApplication Programming Interface
ASMEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers
BCboundary condition
BCsboundary conditions
BVPboundary value problem
CCBChange Control Board
CCICommunication and Contact Information
CDcontinuous deployment
CIcontinuous integration
CIVETContinuous Integration for Verification, Enhancement, and Testing
CMPConfiguration Management Plan
CSVcomma-separated values
DOEDepartment of Energy
DOE-NEDepartment of Energy, Nuclear Energy
EAEnterprise Architecture
FARFailure Analysis Report
FEfinite element
FEMFinite Element Method
FVMFinite Volume Method
GMRESGeneralized Minimum Residual Method
GUIgraphical user interface
HITHierarchical Input Text
HPCHigh Performance Computing
IGAIsogeometric Analysis
INLIdaho National Laboratory
ITInformation Technology
JFNKJacobian-Free Newton-Krylov
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
LGPLGNU Lesser General Public License
LWPLaboratory Wide Procedure
MMSMethod of Manufactured Solutions
MOOSEMultiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment
MPIMessage Passing Interface
MWRMethod of Mean Weighted Residuals
NCRCNuclear Computational Resource Center
NENuclear Energy
NEAMSNuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation
NQA-1Nuclear Quality Assurance Level 1
PBSPortable Batch System
PDEpartial differential equation
PDEspartial differential equations
PETScPortable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
PJFNKPreconditioned Jacobian Free Newton Krylov
PMPProject Management Plan
POSIXPortable Operating System Interface
QLDQuality Level Determination
QPquadrature point
QPsquadrature points
RTMRequirement Traceability Matrix
SCSSoftware Coding Standards
SDDSoftware Design Description
SLLSoftware Library List
SQASoftware Quality Assurance
SQAPSoftware Quality Assurance Plan
SQPSoftware Quality Plan
SRSSoftware Requirement Specification
SSDSafety Software Determination
STPSoftware Test Plan
VVPVerification and Validation Plan
VVRVerification and Validation Report


The available configuration options for the acronym extension are provided in Table 2.

Table 2: Available configuration options for the AcronymExtension object.

activeTrueToggle for disabling the extension. This only changes the initial active state, use setActive to control at runtime.
acronyms{}Complete dict (or dict of dict) of acronyms.

The acronyms are defined in the configuration (e.g., config.yml) as a dictionary of items under the "acronyms" configuration item.

        type: MooseDocs.extensions.acronym
            INL: Idaho National Laboratory
            INEL: Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
            INEEL: Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory

Additionally, multiple dictionaries may be used to allow items to be pulled from multiple sources. For example, to use the acronyms defined within the framework as well as define additional items, the following may be done.

        type: MooseDocs.extensions.acronym
            framework: !include ${MOOSE_DIR}/framework/doc/acronyms.yml
                INEL: Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
                INEEL: Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory