Establishment of gravitational head in 1D

These tests concern the steady-state pressure distribution obtained either by running a transient model for a long time, or by running a steady-state analysis, both of which should lead to the same result.

Without fluxes, the steadystate pressure distribution is just if the fluid bulk modulus, , is large enough compared with . Here is the porepressure at . For smaller bulk modulus (1) Here it is assumed that the density is given by with constant bulk modulus, is the magnitude acceleration due to gravity (a vector assumed to be pointing in the negative direction), and is position. The tests described below are simple tests and are part of the automatic test suite.

Single-phase, single-component

Two single-phase simulations with 100 1D elements are run: one with fully-saturated conditions, and the other with unsaturated conditions using the van Genuchten capillary pressure (this should not, and does not, make any difference to the results). The porepressure is held fixed at one boundary (). The parameters are tabulated in Table 1.

Table 1: Parameter values used in the 1-phase tests

Bulk modulus (B)1.2 Pa
Reference density 1 kg.m
gravitational acceleration -1 m.s

The steady-state input file with full saturation:

# Checking that gravity head is established
# 1phase, vanGenuchten, constant fluid-bulk, constant viscosity, constant permeability, Corey relative perm
# fully saturated
# For better agreement with the analytical solution (ana_pp), just increase nx

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 1
  nx = 100
  xmin = -1
  xmax = 0

  PorousFlowDictator = dictator

      type = RandomIC
      min = 0
      max = 1

    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = pp
    gravity = '-1 0 0'

    type = ParsedFunction
    symbol_names = 'g B p0 rho0'
    symbol_values = '1 1.2 0 1'
    expression = '-B*log(exp(-p0/B)+g*rho0*x/B)' # expected pp at base

    type = DirichletBC
    variable = pp
    boundary = right
    value = 0

    type = PorousFlowDictator
    porous_flow_vars = 'pp'
    number_fluid_phases = 1
    number_fluid_components = 1
    type = PorousFlowCapillaryPressureVG
    m = 0.5
    alpha = 1

    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 1.2
    density0 = 1
    viscosity = 1
    thermal_expansion = 0

    type = PorousFlowTemperature
    type = PorousFlow1PhaseP
    porepressure = pp
    capillary_pressure = pc
    type = PorousFlowMassFraction
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowPermeabilityConst
    permeability = '1 0 0  0 2 0  0 0 3'
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 0

    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
    function = ana_pp
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '0 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-0.1 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-0.2 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-0.3 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-0.4 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-0.5 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-0.6 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-0.7 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-0.8 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-0.9 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-1 0 0'

    type = SMP
    full = true

  type = Steady
  solve_type = Newton

  execute_on = 'timestep_end'
  file_base = grav01a
    type = CSV

The steady-state input file with partial saturation

# Checking that gravity head is established
# 1phase, vanGenuchten, constant fluid-bulk, constant viscosity, constant permeability, Corey relative perm
# unsaturated
# For better agreement with the analytical solution (ana_pp), just increase nx

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 1
  nx = 100
  xmin = -1
  xmax = 0

  PorousFlowDictator = dictator

      type = RandomIC
      min = -1
      max = 1

    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = pp
    gravity = '-1 0 0'

    type = ParsedFunction
    symbol_names = 'g B p0 rho0'
    symbol_values = '1 2 -1 1'
    expression = '-B*log(exp(-p0/B)+g*rho0*x/B)' # expected pp at base

    type = DirichletBC
    variable = pp
    boundary = right
    value = -1

    type = PorousFlowDictator
    porous_flow_vars = 'pp'
    number_fluid_phases = 1
    number_fluid_components = 1
    type = PorousFlowCapillaryPressureVG
    m = 0.5
    alpha = 1

    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2
    density0 = 1
    viscosity = 1
    thermal_expansion = 0

    type = PorousFlowTemperature
    type = PorousFlow1PhaseP
    porepressure = pp
    capillary_pressure = pc
    type = PorousFlowMassFraction
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowPermeabilityConst
    permeability = '1 0 0  0 2 0  0 0 3'
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 0

    type = PointValue
    variable = pp
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
    function = ana_pp
    point = '-1 0 0'

    type = SMP
    full = true

  type = Steady
  solve_type = Newton

  execute_on = 'timestep_end'
  file_base = grav01c
  exodus = true
    type = CSV

An example verification is shown in Figure 1, which also shows results from a 2-phase simulation (see next section)

Figure 1: Comparison between the MOOSE result (in dots), and the exact analytic expression given by Eq. (1).

Two-phase, two-component

Two-phase, two-component simulations may also be checked against Eq. (1). A number of simulations are performed with parameters tabulated in Table 2.

Table 2: Parameter values used in the 2-phase tests

Bulk modulus of heavy phase1.2 Pa
Bulk modulus of light phase1 Pa
Reference density of heavy phase1 kg.m
Reference density of light phase0.1 kg.m
gravitational acceleration -1 m.s

One steady-state simulation is performed. Steady-state simulations are more difficult to perform in two-phase situations because of the inherently stronger nonlinearities, but mostly because simulations can easily enter unphysical domains (negative saturation, for instance) without the stabilising presence of the mass time-derivative. The steady-state input file:

# Checking that gravity head is established in the steady-state situation when 0<saturation<1 (note the strictly less-than).
# 2phase (PP), 2components, vanGenuchten, constant fluid bulk-moduli for each phase, constant viscosity, constant permeability, Corey relative perm
# For better agreement with the analytical solution (ana_pp), just increase nx

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 1
  nx = 10
  xmin = -1
  xmax = 0

  PorousFlowDictator = dictator

    initial_condition = -1.0
    initial_condition = 0

    initial_condition = 1
    initial_condition = 0

    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    gravity = '-1 0 0'
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = ppgas
    gravity = '-1 0 0'

    type = DirichletBC
    boundary = right
    variable = ppwater
    value = -1
    type = DirichletBC
    boundary = right
    variable = ppgas
    value = 0

    type = ParsedFunction
    symbol_names = 'g B p0 rho0'
    symbol_values = '1 2 pp_water_top 1'
    expression = '-B*log(exp(-p0/B)+g*rho0*x/B)' # expected pp at base
    type = ParsedFunction
    symbol_names = 'g B p0 rho0'
    symbol_values = '1 1 pp_gas_top 0.1'
    expression = '-B*log(exp(-p0/B)+g*rho0*x/B)' # expected pp at base

    type = PorousFlowDictator
    porous_flow_vars = 'ppwater ppgas'
    number_fluid_phases = 2
    number_fluid_components = 2
    type = PorousFlowCapillaryPressureVG
    m = 0.5
    alpha = 1

    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2
    density0 = 1
    viscosity = 1
    thermal_expansion = 0
    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 1
    density0 = 0.1
    viscosity = 0.5
    thermal_expansion = 0

    type = PorousFlowTemperature
    type = PorousFlow2PhasePP
    phase0_porepressure = ppwater
    phase1_porepressure = ppgas
    capillary_pressure = pc
    type = PorousFlowMassFraction
    mass_fraction_vars = 'massfrac_ph0_sp0 massfrac_ph1_sp0'
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid0
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid1
    phase = 1
    type = PorousFlowPermeabilityConst
    permeability = '1 0 0  0 2 0  0 0 3'
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 1

    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '0 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
    function = ana_ppwater
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '0 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
    function = ana_ppgas
    point = '-1 0 0'

    type = SMP
    full = true

  type = Steady
  solve_type = Newton

  file_base = grav02b
    type = CSV
  exodus = false

A variety of transient simulations are performed. In the transient simulations, conservation of mass can be checked, and the tests demonstrate MOOSE conserves mass. Depending on the initial and boundary conditions, the "heavy" phase (with greatest mass) can completely displace the "light" phase, which is forced to move to the top of the simulation. Eq. (1) only governs the light phase in the unsaturated zone, since in the saturated zone (where there is zero light phase) the pressure must follow the heavy-phase version of Eq. (1). An example is shown in Figure 1.

Using the PP formulation with unsaturated fluids:

# Checking that gravity head is established in the transient situation when 0<saturation<1 (note the strictly less-than).
# 2phase (PP), 2components, vanGenuchten, constant fluid bulk-moduli for each phase, constant viscosity, constant permeability, Corey relative perm
# For better agreement with the analytical solution (ana_pp), just increase nx

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 1
  nx = 10
  xmin = -1
  xmax = 0

  PorousFlowDictator = dictator

    initial_condition = -1.0
    initial_condition = 0

    initial_condition = 1
    initial_condition = 0

    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    gravity = '-1 0 0'
    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = ppgas
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = ppgas
    gravity = '-1 0 0'

    type = ParsedFunction
    symbol_names = 'g B p0 rho0'
    symbol_values = '1 2 pp_water_top 1'
    expression = '-B*log(exp(-p0/B)+g*rho0*x/B)' # expected pp at base
    type = ParsedFunction
    symbol_names = 'g B p0 rho0'
    symbol_values = '1 1 pp_gas_top 0.1'
    expression = '-B*log(exp(-p0/B)+g*rho0*x/B)' # expected pp at base

    type = PorousFlowDictator
    porous_flow_vars = 'ppwater ppgas'
    number_fluid_phases = 2
    number_fluid_components = 2
    type = PorousFlowCapillaryPressureVG
    m = 0.5
    alpha = 1

    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2
    density0 = 1
    viscosity = 1
    thermal_expansion = 0
    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 1
    density0 = 0.1
    viscosity = 0.5
    thermal_expansion = 0

    type = PorousFlowTemperature
    type = PorousFlow2PhasePP
    phase0_porepressure = ppwater
    phase1_porepressure = ppgas
    capillary_pressure = pc
    type = PorousFlowMassFraction
    mass_fraction_vars = 'massfrac_ph0_sp0 massfrac_ph1_sp0'
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid0
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid1
    phase = 1
    type = PorousFlowPorosityConst
    porosity = 0.1
    type = PorousFlowPermeabilityConst
    permeability = '1 0 0  0 2 0  0 0 3'
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 1

    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '0 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
    function = ana_ppwater
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '0 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
    function = ana_ppgas
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 0
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 1
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'

    type = SMP
    full = true

  type = Transient
  solve_type = Newton
  dt = 0.1
  end_time = 1.0
  nl_rel_tol = 1E-10
  nl_abs_tol = 1E-12

    type = CSV
    file_base = grav02a
    execute_on = 'initial final'

Using the PP formulation with saturated and unsaturated fluids::

# Checking that gravity head is established in the transient situation when 0<=saturation<=1 (note the less-than-or-equal-to).
# 2phase (PP), 2components, vanGenuchten, constant fluid bulk-moduli for each phase, constant viscosity, constant permeability, Corey relative perm
# For better agreement with the analytical solution (ana_pp), just increase nx

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 1
  nx = 10
  xmin = -1
  xmax = 0

  PorousFlowDictator = dictator

    type = PiecewiseLinear
    y = '1E-3 1E-2 1E-1'
    x = '1E-3 1E-2 1E-1'

    initial_condition = -0.1
    initial_condition = 0

    initial_condition = 1
    initial_condition = 0

    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    gravity = '-1 0 0'
    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = ppgas
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = ppgas
    gravity = '-1 0 0'

    type = ParsedFunction
    symbol_names = 'g B p0 rho0'
    symbol_values = '1 2 pp_water_top 1'
    expression = '-B*log(exp(-p0/B)+g*rho0*x/B)' # expected pp at base

    type = PorousFlowDictator
    porous_flow_vars = 'ppwater ppgas'
    number_fluid_phases = 2
    number_fluid_components = 2
    type = PorousFlowCapillaryPressureVG
    m = 0.5
    alpha = 1

    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2
    density0 = 1
    viscosity = 1
    thermal_expansion = 0
    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 1
    density0 = 0.1
    viscosity = 0.5
    thermal_expansion = 0

    type = PorousFlowTemperature
    type = PorousFlow2PhasePP
    phase0_porepressure = ppwater
    phase1_porepressure = ppgas
    capillary_pressure = pc
    type = PorousFlowMassFraction
    mass_fraction_vars = 'massfrac_ph0_sp0 massfrac_ph1_sp0'
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid0
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid1
    phase = 1
    type = PorousFlowPorosityConst
    porosity = 0.1
    type = PorousFlowPermeabilityConst
    permeability = '1 0 0  0 2 0  0 0 3'
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 1

    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '0 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
    function = ana_ppwater
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 0
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 1
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'


  active = andy
    type = SMP
    full = true
    petsc_options_iname = '-ksp_type -pc_type -snes_atol -snes_rtol -snes_max_it'
    petsc_options_value = 'bcgs bjacobi 1E-12 1E-10 10000'
    type = SMP
    full = true
    petsc_options_iname = '-ksp_type -pc_type -snes_atol -snes_rtol -snes_max_it -snes_type'
    petsc_options_value = 'bcgs bjacobi 1E-12 1E-10 10000 test'

  type = Transient
  solve_type = Newton
    type = FunctionDT
    function = dts
  end_time = 1.0

  execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
  file_base = grav02c
    type = CSV
  exodus = true

Using the PP formulation with a boundary condition fixing porepressures:

# Checking that gravity head is established in the transient situation when 0<=saturation<=1 (note the less-than-or-equal-to).
# 2phase (PP), 2components, vanGenuchten, constant fluid bulk-moduli for each phase, constant viscosity, constant permeability, Corey relative perm.
# A boundary condition enforces porepressures at the right boundary
# For better agreement with the analytical solution (ana_pp), just increase nx

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 1
  nx = 10
  xmin = -1
  xmax = 0

  PorousFlowDictator = dictator

    type = PiecewiseLinear
    x = '1E-3 1E-2 1E-1 2E-1'
    y = '1E-3 1E-2 0.2E-1 1E-1'

    initial_condition = 0
    initial_condition = 0.5

    initial_condition = 1
    initial_condition = 0

    type = DirichletBC
    boundary = right
    variable = ppwater
    value = 0
    type = DirichletBC
    boundary = right
    variable = ppgas
    value = 0.5

    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    gravity = '-1 0 0'
    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = ppgas
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = ppgas
    gravity = '-1 0 0'

    type = ParsedFunction
    symbol_names = 'g B p0 rho0'
    symbol_values = '1 2 pp_water_top 1'
    expression = '-B*log(exp(-p0/B)+g*rho0*x/B)' # expected pp at base

    type = PorousFlowDictator
    porous_flow_vars = 'ppwater ppgas'
    number_fluid_phases = 2
    number_fluid_components = 2
    type = PorousFlowCapillaryPressureVG
    m = 0.5
    alpha = 1

    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 1.2
    density0 = 1
    viscosity = 1
    thermal_expansion = 0
    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 1
    density0 = 0.1
    viscosity = 0.5
    thermal_expansion = 0

    type = PorousFlowTemperature
    type = PorousFlow2PhasePP
    phase0_porepressure = ppwater
    phase1_porepressure = ppgas
    capillary_pressure = pc
    type = PorousFlowMassFraction
    mass_fraction_vars = 'massfrac_ph0_sp0 massfrac_ph1_sp0'
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid0
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid1
    phase = 1
    type = PorousFlowPorosityConst
    porosity = 0.1
    type = PorousFlowPermeabilityConst
    permeability = '1 0 0  0 2 0  0 0 3'
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 1
    phase = 1

    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '0 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
    function = ana_ppwater
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '0 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-0.1 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-0.2 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-0.3 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-0.4 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-0.5 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-0.6 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-0.7 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-0.8 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-0.9 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppwater
    point = '-1 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '0 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-0.1 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-0.2 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-0.3 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-0.4 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-0.5 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-0.6 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-0.7 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-0.8 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-0.9 0 0'
    type = PointValue
    variable = ppgas
    point = '-1 0 0'

  active = andy
    type = SMP
    full = true
    petsc_options_iname = '-ksp_type -pc_type -snes_atol -snes_rtol -snes_max_it'
    petsc_options_value = 'bcgs bjacobi 1E-12 1E-10 10000'
    type = SMP
    full = true
    petsc_options_iname = '-ksp_type -pc_type -snes_atol -snes_rtol -snes_max_it -snes_type'
    petsc_options_value = 'bcgs bjacobi 1E-12 1E-10 10000 test'

  type = Transient
  solve_type = Newton
    type = FunctionDT
    function = dts
  end_time = 1.0

    type = CSV
    execute_on = 'initial final'
    file_base = grav02d

Using the PS formulation with no residual saturation

# Checking that gravity head is established in the transient situation when 0<=saturation<=1 (note the less-than-or-equal-to).
# 2phase (PS), 2components, constant capillary pressure, constant fluid bulk-moduli for each phase, constant viscosity,
# constant permeability, Corey relative permeabilities with no residual saturation

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 2
  ny = 10
  ymax = 100

  PorousFlowDictator = dictator
  gravity = '0 -10 0'

    initial_condition = 1.5e6
    initial_condition = 0.3

    initial_condition = 1
    initial_condition = 0
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = FIRST
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = FIRST
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = FIRST
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = FIRST

    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = sgas
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = sgas

    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = pressure
    phase = 1
    variable = ppgas
    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = saturation
    phase = 0
    variable = swater
    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = relperm
    phase = 0
    variable = relpermwater
    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = relperm
    phase = 1
    variable = relpermgas

    type = PorousFlowDictator
    porous_flow_vars = 'ppwater sgas'
    number_fluid_phases = 2
    number_fluid_components = 2
    type = PorousFlowCapillaryPressureConst
    pc = 1e5

    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2e9
    density0 = 1000
    viscosity = 1e-3
    thermal_expansion = 0
    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2e9
    density0 = 10
    viscosity = 1e-5
    thermal_expansion = 0

    type = PorousFlowTemperature
    type = PorousFlow2PhasePS
    phase0_porepressure = ppwater
    phase1_saturation = sgas
    capillary_pressure = pc
    type = PorousFlowMassFraction
    mass_fraction_vars = 'massfrac_ph0_sp0 massfrac_ph1_sp0'
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid0
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid1
    phase = 1
    type = PorousFlowPorosityConst
    porosity = 0.1
    type = PorousFlowPermeabilityConst
    permeability = '1e-11 0 0 0 1e-11 0  0 0 1e-11'
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 2
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 2
    phase = 1

    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 0
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 1
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'

    type = SMP
    full = true
    petsc_options_iname = '-ksp_type -pc_type -snes_atol -snes_rtol'
    petsc_options_value = 'bcgs bjacobi 1E-12 1E-10'

  type = Transient
  solve_type = Newton
  end_time = 1e5
    type = IterationAdaptiveDT
    dt = 1e4

  execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
  file_base = grav02e
  exodus = true
  perf_graph = true
  csv = false

Using the PS formulation with residual saturation

# Checking that gravity head is established in the transient situation when 0<=saturation<=1 (note the less-than-or-equal-to).
# 2phase (PS), 2components, van Genuchten capillary pressure, constant fluid bulk-moduli for each phase, constant viscosity,
# constant permeability, Corey relative permeabilities with residual saturation

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 2
  ny = 10
  ymax = 100

  PorousFlowDictator = dictator
  gravity = '0 -10 0'

    initial_condition = 1.5e6
    initial_condition = 0.3

    initial_condition = 1
    initial_condition = 0
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT

    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = sgas
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = sgas

    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = pressure
    phase = 1
    variable = ppgas
    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = saturation
    phase = 0
    variable = swater
    type = MaterialStdVectorAux
    property = PorousFlow_relative_permeability_qp
    index = 0
    variable = relpermwater
    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = relperm
    phase = 1
    variable = relpermgas

    type = PorousFlowDictator
    porous_flow_vars = 'ppwater sgas'
    number_fluid_phases = 2
    number_fluid_components = 2
    type = PorousFlowCapillaryPressureVG
    m = 0.5
    alpha = 1e-4
    pc_max = 2e5

    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2e9
    density0 = 1000
    viscosity = 1e-3
    thermal_expansion = 0
    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2e9
    density0 = 10
    viscosity = 1e-5
    thermal_expansion = 0

    type = PorousFlowTemperature
    type = PorousFlow2PhasePS
    phase0_porepressure = ppwater
    phase1_saturation = sgas
    capillary_pressure = pc
    type = PorousFlowMassFraction
    mass_fraction_vars = 'massfrac_ph0_sp0 massfrac_ph1_sp0'
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid0
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid1
    phase = 1
    type = PorousFlowPorosityConst
    porosity = 0.1
    type = PorousFlowPermeabilityConst
    permeability = '1e-11 0 0 0 1e-11 0  0 0 1e-11'
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 2
    phase = 0
    s_res = 0.25
    sum_s_res = 0.35
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 2
    phase = 1
    s_res = 0.1
    sum_s_res = 0.35

    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 0
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 1
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'

    type = SMP
    full = true
    petsc_options_iname = '-ksp_type -pc_type -snes_stol -snes_max_it'
    petsc_options_value = 'bcgs bjacobi 1E-13 15'

  type = Transient
  solve_type = Newton
  end_time = 1e5
    type = IterationAdaptiveDT
    dt = 1e4

  execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
  file_base = grav02f
  exodus = true
  perf_graph = true
  csv = false

Using the PS formulation with Brooks-Corey capillarity and residual saturation

# Checking that gravity head is established in the transient situation when 0<=saturation<=1 (note the less-than-or-equal-to).
# 2phase (PS), 2components, van Genuchten capillary pressure, constant fluid bulk-moduli for each phase, constant viscosity,
# constant permeability, Corey relative permeabilities with residual saturation

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 2
  ny = 10
  ymax = 100

  PorousFlowDictator = dictator
  gravity = '0 -10 0'

    initial_condition = 1.5e6
    initial_condition = 0.3

    initial_condition = 1
    initial_condition = 0
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT

    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 0
    variable = ppwater
    type = PorousFlowMassTimeDerivative
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = sgas
    type = PorousFlowAdvectiveFlux
    fluid_component = 1
    variable = sgas

    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = pressure
    phase = 1
    variable = ppgas
    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = saturation
    phase = 0
    variable = swater
    type = MaterialStdVectorAux
    property = PorousFlow_relative_permeability_qp
    index = 0
    variable = relpermwater
    type = PorousFlowPropertyAux
    property = relperm
    phase = 1
    variable = relpermgas

    type = PorousFlowDictator
    porous_flow_vars = 'ppwater sgas'
    number_fluid_phases = 2
    number_fluid_components = 2
    type = PorousFlowCapillaryPressureVG
    m = 0.5
    alpha = 1e-4
    pc_max = 2e5

    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2e9
    density0 = 1000
    viscosity = 1e-3
    thermal_expansion = 0
    type = SimpleFluidProperties
    bulk_modulus = 2e9
    density0 = 10
    viscosity = 1e-5
    thermal_expansion = 0

    type = PorousFlowTemperature
    type = PorousFlow2PhasePS
    phase0_porepressure = ppwater
    phase1_saturation = sgas
    capillary_pressure = pc
    type = PorousFlowMassFraction
    mass_fraction_vars = 'massfrac_ph0_sp0 massfrac_ph1_sp0'
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid0
    phase = 0
    type = PorousFlowSingleComponentFluid
    fp = simple_fluid1
    phase = 1
    type = PorousFlowPorosityConst
    porosity = 0.1
    type = PorousFlowPermeabilityConst
    permeability = '1e-11 0 0 0 1e-11 0  0 0 1e-11'
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 2
    phase = 0
    s_res = 0.25
    sum_s_res = 0.35
    type = PorousFlowRelativePermeabilityCorey
    n = 2
    phase = 1
    s_res = 0.1
    sum_s_res = 0.35

    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 0
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = PorousFlowFluidMass
    fluid_component = 1
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'

    type = SMP
    full = true
    petsc_options_iname = '-ksp_type -pc_type -snes_stol -snes_max_it'
    petsc_options_value = 'bcgs bjacobi 1E-13 15'

  type = Transient
  solve_type = Newton
  end_time = 1e5
    type = IterationAdaptiveDT
    dt = 1e4

  execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
  file_base = grav02f
  exodus = true
  perf_graph = true
  csv = false