Misc Module


Documentation for the misc module needs some work...

Objects, Actions, and Syntax

  • Misc App
  • ADThermoDiffusionCalculates diffusion due to temperature gradient and Soret Coefficient
  • CoefDiffusionKernel for diffusion with diffusivity = coef + function
  • ThermoDiffusionKernel for thermo-diffusion (Soret effect, thermophoresis, etc.)
  • Misc App
  • ADArrheniusMaterialPropertyArbitrary material property of the sum of an arbitary number () of Arrhenius functions , where is the frequency factor, is the activation energy, and is the gas constant.
  • ADDensityCreates density material property
  • ArrheniusMaterialPropertyArbitrary material property of the sum of an arbitary number () of Arrhenius functions , where is the frequency factor, is the activation energy, and is the gas constant.
  • DensityCreates density material property
  • Misc App
  • InternalVolumeComputes the volume of an enclosed area by performing an integral over a user-supplied boundary.