Contact Requirements Traceability Matrix

This template follows INL template TEM-214, "IT System Requirements Traceability Matrix."


This document serves as an addendum to Framework Requirements Traceability Matrix and captures information for RTM specific to the Contact module.


Minimum System Requirements

In general, the following is required for MOOSE-based development:

  • GCC/Clang C++17 compliant compiler (GCC @ 7.5.0, Clang @ 10.0.1 or greater)

    • Note: Intel compilers are not supported.

  • Memory: 8 GBs of RAM for optimized compilation (16 GBs for debug compilation), 2 GB per core execution

  • Processor: 64-bit x86 or ARM64 (specifically, Apple Silicon)

  • Disk: 30GB

  • A POSIX compliant Unix-like operating system, including the two most recent versions of MacOS and most current versions of Linux.

  • Git version control system

  • Python @ 3.7 or greater

System Purpose

The purpose of the MOOSE Contact module is to enforce mechanical contact constraints between opposing interacting surfaces of models of deforming bodies.

System Scope

The MOOSE Contact module provides capabilities for enforcing a variety of types of mechanical contact constraints between surfaces on deforming bodies. These constraints typically enforce the condition that the two surfaces do not penetrate each other. They can also optionally enforce that the two surfaces do not separate or slide relative to each other, or allow for slip only when the frictional capacity has been reached. Multiple methods are provided for enforcing these constraints, including node-on-face and mortar-based formulations. In addition to providing the capabilities for enforcing contact constraints, the Contact module also provides various supporting tools to facilitate setting up these models and outputting the results related to contact.

Assumptions and Dependencies

The Contact module is developed using MOOSE and can itself be based on various MOOSE modules, as such the RTM for the Contact module is dependent upon the files listed at the beginning of this document.

Pre-test Instructions/Environment/Setup

Ideally all testing should be performed on a clean test machine following one of the supported configurations setup by the test system engineer. Testing may be performed on local workstations and cluster systems containing supported operating systems.

The repository should be clean prior to building and testing. When using "git" this can be done by doing a force clean in the main repository and each one of the submodules:

git clean -xfd
git submodule foreach 'git clean -xfd'

All tests must pass in accordance with the type of test being performed. This list can be found in the Software Test Plan.

Changelog Issue Revisions

Errors in changelog references can sometimes occur as a result of typos or conversion errors. If any need to be noted by the development team, they will be noted here.

The changelog for all code residing in the MOOSE repository is located in the MOOSE RTM.

System Requirements Traceability

Functional Requirements

  • contact: Bouncing-Block-Contact
  • 3.3.1The system shall use grid sequencing in order to improve the performance of the nonlinear solve in a frictional contact problem

    Specification(s): grid_sequencing

    Design: FEProblemBase

    Issue(s): #14166#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.3.2The node-face discretization with a RANFS formulation for frictionless mechanical contact shall be susceptible to ping-ponging, specifically in this case to a secondary node oscillating back and forth between different primary faces

    Specification(s): ranfs-ping-pong

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #10950


    Type(s): RunException

  • 3.3.3The node-face discretization with a kinematic formulation for frictionless mechanical contact shall be susceptible to ping-ponging, specifically in this case to a secondary node oscillating back and forth between different primary faces

    Specification(s): kinematic-ping-pong

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #10950


    Type(s): RunException

  • 3.3.4A variational consistent mortar formulation with dual bases for frictionless mechanical contact shall not show any ping-ponging behavior

    Specification(s): mortar-no-ping-pong_weighted

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #10950

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.3.5The system shall be able to solve frictionless mechanical contact using a reduced active nonlinear function set scheme (RANFS) in conjunction with a node-face geometric discretization. The RANFS scheme shall be
    1. nonsingular both with bounds projection and
    2. without bounds projection and be
    3. solvable with amg both with bounds projection
    4. and without bounds projection.
    5. The system's RANFS scheme shall have a perfect Jacobian for mechanical contact that only has one non-zero normal component
    6. The system shall be able to detect when a secondary node is ping-ponging back and forth between different primary faces and consequently tie the locations of the secondary and corresponding primary node using Lagrange Multipliers corresponding to equality constraints, e.g. more RANFS
    7. The system shall be able to solve a smaller model of the full ping-ponging problem

    Specification(s): reduced_active_set/ranfs-project-svd, reduced_active_set/ranfs-dont-project-svd, reduced_active_set/ranfs-project-amg, reduced_active_set/ranfs-dont-project-amg, reduced_active_set/ranfs-jacobian, reduced_active_set/full-bouncing-block, reduced_active_set/bouncing-block

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#14454

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): ExodiffPetscJacobianTester

  • 3.3.6Using a RANFS scheme with Lagrange multipliers corresponding to equality constraints the system shall be able to
    1. tie nodes together and
    2. have a perfect Jacobian

    Specification(s): tied_node/physics, tied_node/jac

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#14454

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): ExodiffPetscJacobianTester

  • 3.3.7The system shall support a variationally consistent weighted gap implementation of the zero-penetration contact constraint
    1. using equal, first order bases for displacements and the lagrange multiplier
    2. using a second order basis for displacements and a first order basis for the lagrange multiplier
    3. using equal, first order bases for displacements and the lagrange multiplier with correct edge dropping
    4. using a first order basis for displacements and penalty multiplication times the negative gap distance to form the contact force.
    5. using a first order basis for displacements and penalty multiplication times the negative gap distance to form the contact force via the contact action.

    Specification(s): weighted_gap/equal_order, weighted_gap/mixed_order, weighted_gap/equal_order_edge_dropping, weighted_gap/penalty, weighted_gap/penalty_action

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #16961

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.3.8The system shall be able to communicate semilocal weighted gaps back to any process that contributed to computing said weighted gaps.

    Specification(s): very_parallel_penalty

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #21329

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.3.9The system shall be able to communicate semilocal weighted gaps and velocities back to any process that contributed to computing said weighted quantities. We check against the serial numerical results.

    Specification(s): very_parallel_frictional_penalty

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #21329

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.3.10The system shall support a variationally consistent mortar frictional constraints with dual bases
    1. using verbose input file
    2. using the contact action

    Specification(s): weighted_vel_pdass/verbose, weighted_vel_pdass/action

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #17495

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.3.11The system shall be able to solve a frictional, variationally consistent, mortar mechanical contact problem in which the secondary side of the contact interface is split between processes when run in parallel.

    Specification(s): split_secondary

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#14454

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.3.12The system shall be able to solve a frictional, variationally consistent, mortar mechanical contact problem in which the secondary side of the contact interface is split between processes when run in parallel while using the contact action to build the set of constraints, user objects, and application of generalized forces.

    Specification(s): split_secondary_action

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#14454

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.3.13The system shall not attempt to zero Lagrange multipliers that do not exist on inactive nodes.

    Specification(s): mixed_inactive_nodes

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#14454

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • contact: Dual Mortar
  • 3.7.1The system shall converge and match the solution produced by standard mortar contact.

    Specification(s): dm_contact

    Design: Contact ActionVCP

    Issue(s): #15215

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.7.2The system shall converge and match the solution produced by dual mortar contact.

    Specification(s): std_contact

    Design: Contact ActionVCP

    Issue(s): #15215

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.7.3The system shall converge and match the solution with the standard methods using variable condenstation with AMG.

    Specification(s): dm_contact_precon

    Design: Contact ActionVCP

    Issue(s): #15215

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.7.4The system shall converge and match the solution with the standard methods using variable condenstation with AMG, by always condensing out the LMs.

    Specification(s): dm_contact_precon_no_adaptivity

    Design: Contact ActionVCP

    Issue(s): #15215

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.7.5The system shall converge and match the solution with the standard methods using variable condenstation with AMG, by using LU to solve for the LM variable (not assuming diagonal coupling with the primal variable).

    Specification(s): dm_contact_precon_full_dinv

    Design: Contact ActionVCP

    Issue(s): #15215

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • contact: Explicit Dynamics
  • 3.8.1The system shall be able to solve a simple few-element normal contact problem using explicit dynamics.

    Specification(s): block_penalty

    Design: ExplicitDynamicsContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #25666

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.8.2The system shall be able to solve a simple few-element normal contact problem using explicit dynamics solving uncoupled, local equations of momentum balance.

    Specification(s): test_balance

    Design: ExplicitDynamicsContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #25666

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.8.3The system shall be able to solve a simple few-element normal contact problem using explicit dynamics solving uncoupled, local equations of momentum balance and overwrite boundary variables after applying the time stepper scheme.

    Specification(s): test_balance_overwrite

    Design: ExplicitDynamicsContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #25666

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.8.4The system shall be able to solve a simple few-element normal contact problem using explicit dynamics solving uncoupled, local equations of momentum balance in debug mode.

    Specification(s): test_balance_short

    Design: ExplicitDynamicsContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #25666

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.8.5The system shall be able to solve a simple few-element normal contact problem using explicit dynamics solving uncoupled, local equations of momentum balance and overwrite boundary variables after applying the time stepper scheme in debug mode.

    Specification(s): test_balance_overwrite_short

    Design: ExplicitDynamicsContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #25666

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.8.6The system shall be able to solve a simple few-element normal contact problem using explicit dynamics solving uncoupled, local equations of momentum balance during an impact-settling under gravity acceleration.

    Specification(s): settlement

    Design: ExplicitDynamicsContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #25666

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • contact: Incremental Slip
  • 3.13.1

    Specification(s): slip

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • contact: Kinematic-And-Scaling
  • 3.14.1The system shall be able to apply automatic scaling in conjunection with kinematic contact constraint enforcement and show no penetration and exhibit good nonlinear convergence

    Specification(s): auto-scaling

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #12601

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.14.2The system shall yield the same physical results when solving a kinematic contact problem with and without automatic scaling

    Specification(s): no-scaling

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #12601

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • contact: Mechanical Constraint
  • 3.15.1The contact system shall enforce a frictionless mechanical contact condition between two blocks with a combination of normal and tangential motion using a kinematic enforcement with the Constraint system.

    Specification(s): frictionless_kinematic

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #2816

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.15.2The contact system shall enforce a frictionless mechanical contact condition between two blocks with gap offsets on both primary and secondary blocks using a kinematic enforcement with the DiracKernel system.

    Specification(s): frictionless_kinematic_gap_offset

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #14089

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.15.3The contact system shall enforce a frictionless mechanical contact condition between two blocks with a combination of normal and tangential motion using a penalty enforcement with the Constraint system.

    Specification(s): frictionless_penalty

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #2816

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.15.4The contact system shall enforce a glued mechanical contact condition between two blocks with a combination of normal and tangential motion using a kinematic enforcement with the Constraint system.

    Specification(s): glued_kinematic

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #2816

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.15.5The contact system shall enforce a glued mechanical contact condition between two blocks with a combination of normal and tangential motion using a penalty enforcement with the Constraint system.

    Specification(s): glued_penalty

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #2816

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • contact: Mortar Tm
  • 3.21.1The system shall be able to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a first order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and frictional mortar contact
    1. using the finite strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation for a limited time simulation.
    3. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.
    4. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual with extra_vector_tags passed to the constraints.

    Specification(s): soft/finite, soft/finite_short, soft/finite_rr, soft/finite_rr_full

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.2The system shall be able to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a first order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and frictional mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff/stiff_stiff, stiff/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.3The system shall be able to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a first order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics with second order elements and frictional mortar contact
    1. using the finite strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.

    Specification(s): soft_second/finite, soft_second/finite_rr

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.4The system shall be able to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a first order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics with second order elements and frictional mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff_second/stiff_stiff, stiff_second/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.5The system shall be able to use automatic differentiation to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a first order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact
    1. using the small strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation.
    3. using the finite strain formulation with automatic scaling.
    4. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.
    5. using the small strain formulation and calculate a perfect Jacobian.
    6. using the finite strain formulation and calculate a perfect Jacobian.

    Specification(s): soft/small, soft/finite, soft/finite_scaling, soft/finite_rr, soft/small-jac, soft/finite-jac

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiffPetscJacobianTester


  • 3.21.6The system shall be able to use automatic differntiation to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a first order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff/stiff_stiff, stiff/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.7The system shall be able to use automatic differntiation to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a second order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact
    1. using the small strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation.
    3. using the finite strain formulation with automatic scaling.
    4. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.
    5. using the small strain formulation and calculate a perfect Jacobian.
    6. using the finite strain formulation and calculate a perfect Jacobian.

    Specification(s): soft/small, soft/finite, soft/finite_scaling, soft/finite_rr, soft/small-jac, soft/finite-jac

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiffPetscJacobianTester


  • 3.21.8The system shall be able to use automatic differntiation to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a second order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff/stiff_stiff, stiff/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.9The system shall be able to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a first order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact
    1. using the small strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation.
    3. using the finite strain formulation for a limited time simulation.
    4. using the finite strain formulation with automatic scaling.
    5. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.
    6. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual with extra_vector_tags passed to the constraints.

    Specification(s): soft/small, soft/finite, soft/finite_short, soft/finite_scaling, soft/finite_rr, soft/finite_rr_full

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.10The system shall be able to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a first order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff/stiff_stiff, stiff/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.11The system shall be able to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a second order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact
    1. using the small strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation.
    3. using the finite strain formulation with automatic scaling.
    4. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.

    Specification(s): soft/small, soft/finite, soft/finite_scaling, soft/finite_rr

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.12The system shall be able to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a second order 2D mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff/stiff_stiff, stiff/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.13The system shall be able to use automatic differntiation to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a first order 2DRz mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact
    1. using the small strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation.
    3. using the finite strain formulation with automatic scaling.
    4. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.
    5. using the small strain formulation and calculate a perfect Jacobian.
    6. using the finite strain formulation and calculate a perfect Jacobian.

    Specification(s): soft/small, soft/finite, soft/finite_scaling, soft/finite_rr, soft/small-jac, soft/finite-jac

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiffPetscJacobianTester


  • 3.21.14The system shall be able to use automatic differntiation to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a first order 2DRz mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff/stiff_stiff, stiff/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.15The system shall be able to use automatic differentiation to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a second order 2DRz mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact
    1. using the small strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation.
    3. using the finite strain formulation with automatic scaling.
    4. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.
    5. using the small strain formulation and calculate a perfect Jacobian.
    6. using the finite strain formulation and calculate a perfect Jacobian.

    Specification(s): soft/small, soft/finite, soft/finite_scaling, soft/finite_rr, soft/small-jac, soft/finite-jac

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiffPetscJacobianTester


  • 3.21.16The system shall be able to use automatic differntiation to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a second order 2DRz mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff/stiff_stiff, stiff/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.17The system shall be able to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a first order 2DRz mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact
    1. using the small strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation.
    3. using the finite strain formulation with automatic scaling.
    4. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.

    Specification(s): soft/small, soft/finite, soft/finite_scaling, soft/finite_rr

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.18The system shall be able to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a first order 2DRz mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff/stiff_stiff, stiff/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.19The system shall be able to compute a soft block bouncing on a soft plank problem on a second order 2DRz mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact
    1. using the small strain formulation.
    2. using the finite strain formulation.
    3. using the finite strain formulation with automatic scaling.
    4. using the finite strain formulation and reference residual.

    Specification(s): soft/small, soft/finite, soft/finite_scaling, soft/finite_rr

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.20The system shall be able to compute a block bouncing on a plank problem on a second order 2DRz mesh using tensor mechanics and mortar contact and finite strain
    1. using with a stiff block and a stiff plank.
    2. using with a soft block and a stiff plank.

    Specification(s): stiff/stiff_stiff, stiff/soft_stiff

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #13080#20773

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.21.21

    Specification(s): horizontal_blocks_mortar_TM

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #14630

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): RunApp

  • contact: Nodal Area
  • 3.23.1The system shall compute the nodal area for use with contact calculations in 3D.

    Specification(s): 3D

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.23.2The system shall compute the nodal area in parallel for use with contact calculations in 3D.

    Specification(s): 3D2Proc

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

    Prerequisite(s): 3.23.1

  • 3.23.3The system shall compute the nodal area for use with contact calculations in 2D.

    Specification(s): 2D

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.23.4The system shall compute the nodal area in parallel for use with contact calculations in 2D.

    Specification(s): 2D2Proc

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

    Prerequisite(s): 3.23.3

  • 3.23.5The system shall compute the nodal area for Hex20 elements for use with contact calculations.

    Specification(s): Hex20

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.23.6The system shall compute the nodal area for Hex20 elements for use with frictionless contact calculations.

    Specification(s): Hex20_2

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

    Prerequisite(s): 3.23.5

  • 3.23.7The system shall compute the nodal area for Hex20 elements for use with penalty contact calculations.

    Specification(s): Hex20_3

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.23.8The system shall compute the nodal area in parallel for Hex20 elements for use with contact calculations.

    Specification(s): Hex202Proc

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

    Prerequisite(s): 3.23.6

  • 3.23.9The system shall compute the nodal area for Hex27 elements for use with contact calculations.

    Specification(s): Hex27

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.23.10The system shall compute the nodal area in parallel for Hex27 elements for use with contact calculations.

    Specification(s): Hex272Proc

    Design: ContactNodalArea

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

    Prerequisite(s): 3.23.9

  • contact: Ranfs-And-Scaling
  • 3.28.1The system shall be able to apply automatic scaling in conjunction with ranfs contact

    Specification(s): auto-scaling

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #12601

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.28.2The system shall be able to solve ranfs contact with no scaling

    Specification(s): no-scaling

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #12601

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • contact: Ring Contact
  • 3.29.1The contact system shall enforce contact between three-dimensional non-conformal surfaces with Hex20 elements.

    Specification(s): ring_contact

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • contact: Tan-Pen-And-Scaling
  • 3.32.1The system shall be able to apply automatic scaling in conjunection with tangential penalty contact constraint enforcement and show no penetration and exhibit good nonlinear convergence

    Specification(s): auto-scaling

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #12601

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.32.2The system shall yield the same physical results when solving a tangential penalty contact problem with and without automatic scaling

    Specification(s): no-scaling

    Design: Constraints System

    Issue(s): #12601

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • contact: Verification
  • 3.34.1The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.2The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.3The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.4The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.5The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.6The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem with friction coefficient of 0.

    Specification(s): mu_0_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.7The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem with friction coefficient of 0.2.

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.8The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem with friction coefficient of 1.0.

    Specification(s): mu_1_0_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.9The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.10The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.11The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.12The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.13The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.14The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.15The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements and with a friction coefficient of 0.

    Specification(s): mu_0_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.16The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements and with a friction coefficient of 1.0.

    Specification(s): mu_1_0_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.17The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D Hertz half-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.18The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.19The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.20The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.21The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.22The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem.

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.23The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.24The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.25The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.26The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.27The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D Hertz quarter-symmetry cylindrical contact problem using higher order QUAD8 elements.

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.28The Contact system shall enforce eliminating initial overclosure between the primary and secondary surfaces.

    Specification(s): test

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.34.29The system shall enforce the automatic patch update using the 'always' option.

    Specification(s): sliding_blocks_always

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.34.30The system shall enforce the automatic patch update using the iteration option and give results equal to the 'always' option.

    Specification(s): sliding_blocks

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.34.31The system shall enforce that the nearest neighbor node is inside the ghosted set of elements.

    Specification(s): error_test

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716


    Type(s): RunException

    Prerequisite(s): 3.34.30

  • 3.34.32The system shall be able to couple iteration patch update strategies with initial adaptivity when using geometric searches with a replicated mesh.

    Specification(s): iteration_adaptivity_parallel

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.34.33The system shall be able to couple iteration patch update strategies with initial adaptivity when using geometric searches using node face contact with a replicated or distributed mesh.

    Specification(s): iteration_adaptivity_parallel_node_face

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): Exodiff

  • 3.34.34The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.35The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.36The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.37The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.38The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.39The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.40The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.41The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.42The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.43The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.44The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.45The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.46The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.47The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 3D brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.48The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.49The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.50The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.51The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.52The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.53The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.54The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.55The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.56The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.57The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.58The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.59The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 3D HEX20 brick geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.60The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.61The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.62The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.63The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.64The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.65The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.66The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.67The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.68The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.69The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.70The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.71The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.72The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.73The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.74The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.75The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.76The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.77The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.78The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.79The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.80The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.81The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.82The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.83The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.84The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.85The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.86The system shall be able to run a two-dimensional simulation of a cylinder pressed onto a plane with a frictional interface.

    Specification(s): cylinder_friction_node_face

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #24632

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.87The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.88The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.89The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.90The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.91The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.92The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.93The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.94The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.95The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.96The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.97The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.98The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.99The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.100The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.101The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.102The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.103The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.104The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.105The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.106The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.107The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.108The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.109The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.110The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.111The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.112The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.113The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.114The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 plane geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.115The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.116The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.117The Contact system shall enforce frctionless, kinematic contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.118The Contact system shall enforce frctionless, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.119The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.120The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.121The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.122The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.123The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.124The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.125The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.126The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.127The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.128The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.129The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.130The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.131The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.132The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.133The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.134The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with matched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.135The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.136The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.137The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.138The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.139The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): frictionless_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.140The Contact system shall enforce frictional, Augmented Lagrange contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_aug

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.141The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D QUAD8 axisymmetric ring geometry (NAFEMS CGS1 contact patch test with mismatched nodes).

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.142The Contact system shall enforce glued, kinematic contact for 2D plane strain single point contact model.

    Specification(s): glued_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.143The Contact system shall enforce glued, penalty contact for 2D plane strain single point contact model.

    Specification(s): glued_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.144The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, kinematic contact for 2D plane strain single point contact model.

    Specification(s): frictionless_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.145The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D plane strain single point contact model.

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.146The Contact system shall enforce frictionless, penalty contact for 2D plane strain single point contact model using the contact line search solver options.

    Specification(s): frictionless_pen_contact_line_search

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.147The Contact system shall enforce frictional, kinematic contact for 2D plane strain single point contact model.

    Specification(s): mu_0_0_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.148The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D plane strain single point contact model.

    Specification(s): mu_0_0_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.149The Contact system shall enforce frictional, kinematic contact for 2D plane strain single point contact model with a non-zero friction coefficient.

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_kin

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

  • 3.34.150The Contact system shall enforce frictional, penalty contact for 2D plane strain single point contact model with a non-zero friction coefficient.

    Specification(s): mu_0_2_pen

    Design: ContactMechanicalContactConstraint

    Issue(s): #716

    Collection(s): FUNCTIONAL

    Type(s): CSVDiff

Usability Requirements

No requirements of this type exist for this application, beyond those of its dependencies.

Performance Requirements

No requirements of this type exist for this application, beyond those of its dependencies.

System Interface Requirements

No requirements of this type exist for this application, beyond those of its dependencies.


No citations exist within this document.