Failing Tests

If many, or all tests are failing, it is a good chance the fix is simple. Follow through these steps to narrow down the possible cause.

First, run a test that should always pass:

cd moose/test
make -j 8
./run_tests -i always_ok -p 2
commentnote:did make -j 8 fail?

If make -j 8 fails, please proceed to Build Issues above. This is most likely why all your tests are failing.

This test, proves the TestHarness is available. That libMesh is built, and the TestHarness has a working MOOSE framework available to it. Meaning, your test that is failing may be beyond the scope of this troubleshooting guide. However, do continue to read through the bolded situations below. If the error is not listed, please submit your failed test results to the MOOSE Discussion forum for help.

Some tests are SKIPPED. This is normal as some tests are specific to available resources, or some other constraint your machine does not satisfy. If you see failures, or you see MAX FAILURES, thats a problem! And it needs to be addressed before continuing:

  • Supply a report of the actual failure (scroll up a ways). For example the following snippet does not give the full picture (created with ./run_tests -i always_bad):

    Final Test Results:
    tests/test_harness.always_ok .................... FAILED (Application not found)
    tests/test_harness.always_bad .................................. FAILED (CODE 1)
    Ran 2 tests in 0.2 seconds. Average test time 0.0 seconds, maximum test time 0.0 seconds.
    0 passed, 0 skipped, 0 pending, 2 FAILED

    Instead, you need to scroll up and report the actual error:

    tests/test_harness.always_ok: Working Directory: /Users/me/projects/moose/test/tests/test_harness
    tests/test_harness.always_ok: Running command:
    tests/test_harness.always_ok: ####################################################################
    tests/test_harness.always_ok: Tester failed, reason: Application not found
    tests/test_harness.always_ok .................... FAILED (Application not found)
    tests/test_harness.always_bad: Working Directory: /Users/me/projects/moose/test/tests/test_harness
    tests/test_harness.always_bad: Running command: false
    tests/test_harness.always_bad: ###################################################################
    tests/test_harness.always_bad: Tester failed, reason: CODE 1
    tests/test_harness.always_bad .................................. FAILED (CODE 1)

If the test did fail, chances are your test and our test is failing for the same reason:

  • Environment Variables is somehow instructing the TestHarness to use improper paths. Try each of the following and re-run your test again. You may find you receive a different error each time. Simply continue troubleshooting using that new error, and work your way down. If the error is not listed here, then it is time to ask the MOOSE Discussion forum for help:

    • check if echo $METHOD returns anything. If it does, try unsetting it with unset METHOD

    • check if echo $MOOSE_DIR returns anything. If it does, try unsetting it with unset MOOSE_DIR

    • check if echo $PYTHONPATH returns anything. If it does, try unsetting it with unset PYTHONPATH

      commentnote:METHOD and MOOSE_DIR

      If these were set, it will be necessary to perform a rebuild. See Build Issues above.

  • Failed to import hit:

    • Verify you have activated the conda moose environment: echo $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV. This command should return 'moose'. If not, see Conda Issues above.

  • Application not found

    • Your Application has not yet been built. You need to successfully perform a make. If make is failing, please see Build Issues above.

    • Perhaps you have specified invalid arguments to run_tests? See TestHarness More Options. Specifically for help with:

      • --opt

      • --dbg

      • --oprof

  • gethostbyname failed, localhost (errno 3)

    • This is a fairly common occurrence which happens when your internal network stack / route, is not correctly configured for the local loopback device. Thankfully, there is an easy fix:

      • Obtain your hostname:


      • Linux & Macintosh : Add the results of hostname to your /etc/hosts file. Like so:

        sudo vi /etc/hosts
        # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
        ::1        localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
        ff02::1    ip6-allnodes
        ff02::2    ip6-allrouters
         mycoolname  # <--- add this line to the end of your hosts file

        Everyones host file is different. But the results of adding the necessary line described above will be the same.

      • Macintosh only, 2nd method:

        sudo scutil --set HostName mycoolname

        We have received reports where the second method sometimes does not work.


    • If your tests fail due to timeout errors, it is most likely you have a good installation, but a slow machine (or slow filesystem). You can adjust the amount of time that the TestHarness allows a test to run before timing out, by adding a parameter to your test file:

          type = RunApp
          input = my_input_file.i
          max_time = 300   <-- time in seconds before a timeout occurs. 300 is the default for all tests.


    • A crash indicates the TestHarness executed your application (correctly), but then your application exited with a non-zero return code. See Build Issues above for a possible solution.


    • An exodiff indicates the TestHarness executed your application, and your application exited correctly. However, the generated results differs from the supplied gold file. If this test passes on some machines, and fails on others, this would indicate you may have applied too tight a tolerance to the acceptable error values for that specific machine. We call this phenomena machine noise.


    • A different file format following the same error checking paradigm as an exodiff test.