Setup Atom Editor for MOOSE


The Atom project will be sunsetted on December 15th, 2022. Please transition to a different editor. Many MOOSE team members and most application developers have migrated to VSCode, and we offer an extension for MOOSE development that now exceeds the capabilities of the corresponding Atom plugins.

Screenshot of Atom in action.

Atom is a text editor developed by GitHub with a flexible plugin structure. Several plugins are available to customize Atom for MOOSE development, some specifically developed for MOOSE.

Setting up Atom

Installation packages can be downloaded for Mac, Linux, and Windows operating systems from the Atom website. The editor has an automatic update system for both the core editor as well as the installed plugins.

First Steps

  • Start Atom for the first time and select _Atom->Install Shell Commands_. This activates the atom and apm shell commands for use from a terminal.

  • Close Atom. From now on we will only start it from our MOOSE project directories using atom ensuring that Atom sees the full MOOSE build environment.

Important commands

Opening new files with the fuzzy search (Cmd-T).

  • Cmd-Shift-P opens the command palette. Every available Atom command can be accessed by typing a few letters here. The dropdown list shows the keyboard shortcuts.

  • Cmd-T opens a file anywhere in the current project tree (i.e. below the directory in which you issued the atom . command. No need to know the precise path or even the precise spelling of the filename!


Tip: To install a plugin, use the "apm" command on your terminal:

apm install switch-header-source

Autocompletion for MOOSE input files.

The following plugins should be installed to effectively develop MOOSE based codes and edit MOOSE input files using Atom

  • switch-header-source: Use Ctrl-Alt-S to switch between corresponding header and source files.

  • language-moose: Syntax highlighting and automatic indentation for MOOSE input files, C++ code snippets for all MOOSE systems, and highlighting of select MOOSE C++ types.

  • autocomplete-moose: Context sensitive autocompletion for MOOSE input files.

  • make-runner: Press Ctrl-R to build the current project from within Atom. Features clickable compile error messages to jump straight to the locations with the compile errors.

  • autocomplete-clang: Type-aware C++ autocompletion. Use make clang_complete in your project directory to generate the necessary configuration file.

  • clang-format: Uses clang-format with the custom MOOSE style rules to format your code. Can be set to reformat automatically when saving or manually by pressing Cmd-Shift-K.

  • atomic-rtags: uses the rtags demon (live indexing of the C++ symbols in your source tree) to provide a _jump to declaration_ feature. See below how to set-up rtags with MOOSE

  • In the whitespace core package (Settings->Packages search for 'whitespace') deactivate Ignore Whitespace On Current Line.

Source navigation with rtags

Download and build rtags. In order to configure and build rtags, llvm-config and some other llvm and clang development tools will need to be available in your environment. To obtain the necessary tools, in your MOOSE conda environment, perform:

conda install moose-libmesh moose-tools llvmdev clangdev

Note that though the relevant packages are llvmdev and clangdev, specifying the MOOSE packages (moose-libmesh and moose-tools in this example) may be necessary in order to prevent downgrading of those package versions. After installing llvmdev and clangdev, we can proceed to building and installing rtags:

git clone
cd rtags/
git submodule init
git submodule update
mkdir mybuild && cd mybuild
cmake ..
make -j 24
sudo make install

Start the rtags demon in a separate terminal


Leave that terminal open in the background and get back to your old terminal. Then change into your application directory (or moose/modules) and run

MOOSE_UNITY=false make compile_commands.json && rc -J .

This will cause make to transmit a list of all compile commands to the rtags demon. The rtags demon will immediately start indexing all MOOSE source code files (you can observe the process in the rdm terminal window).

You can now press alt+, in Atom with the cursor on any symbol (even macros) to jump to its declaration courtesy of the _atomic-rtags_ package.

Using Atom behind a proxy

To enable update checking and plugin installation proxy information must be entered in a configuration file at ~/.atom/.apmrc (create the file as needed) as

proxy = http://server:port
http-proxy = http://server:port
http_proxy = http://server:port
https_proxy = http://server:port