Install MSYS2 following the instructions on the MSYS2 homepage. Choose the 64bit version, keep the suggested install location (or you will have to adapt below). Once the two pacman runs are completed make sure you open the MINGW64 terminal and use it for all further steps.


MS MPI and toolchain

Git, compilers, and MPI are installed using packages.

pacman -S base-devel binutils git mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-msmpi

Next download and install msmpisetup.exe (not msmpisdk.msi!) from Microsoft. Stick with the default installation path (else you will have to modify the export below). Pick version that matches the msys2 msmpi sdk package version. As of the time of writing this, it is MS MPI 10. Add the MS MPI runtime tools to your path (add this to ~/.bashrc)

export PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ MPI/Bin/

Metis, Parmetis, Blas, netcdf

We will use MSYS2 packages for those PETSc dependencies as downloading and compiling from the PETSc config script does not work (the MSYS2 packages includes some minor patches to make everything work).

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-metis mingw-w64-x86_64-parmetis mingw-w64-x86_64-openblas

MOOSE repository

Create a projects directory and change into it

mkdir ~/projects
cd ~/projects

Clone moose and initialize its submodules

git clone
cd moose
git submodule update --init --recursive

Add the MOOSE_DIR environment variable to your ~/.bashrc config and reload the bash configuration (make sure you are the moose directory when you do this!)

echo "export MOOSE_DIR='`pwd`'" >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc


Next we build PETSc. We have prepared a special configuration script for PETSc to make sure we use the preinstalled prerequisites and leave off optional features that may cause the build to fail.

cd $MOOSE_DIR/petsc

Follow the instructions printed at the end of the configure output on how to run make.

Once PETSc is built do not run the make install command. We'll leave the built PETSc where it is and add two exports for the PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH to your ~/.bashrc.

IMPORTANT: make sure you prepend C:/msys64 to the PETSC_DIR. The lines in your ~/.bashrc should look something like this:

export PETSC_DIR=C:/msys64/home/`whoami`/projects/moose/petsc
export PETSC_ARCH=petsc_msys2_config

Source your bash configuration to get the new environment variables and run


This fixes some broken paths in $PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables



libMesh requires a patch to enable using an external netcdf installation. That patch is not in the master branch or submodule yet.

Set the LIBMESH_DIR environment variable

  • export LIBMESH_DIR=$MOOSE_DIR/libmesh/installed when using the libMesh MOOSE submodule

  • export LIBMESH_DIR=$HOME/projects/libmesh/installed when using a separate libMesh repo (this assumes the repo is already checked out!)

Change into the libMesh repo dir (that's usually the parent of your LIBMESH_DIR)

mkdir -p $LIBMESH_DIR/installed

And run the libMesh script to fix missing symlinks

mkdir -p $LIBMESH_DIR/installed

Next we install netcdf from the MSYS2 repository (the version that is shipped with libMesh won't work)

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-netcdf

We will build the opt version only here. You can instead provide METHODS='opt dbg' (note the S), but you may need to take extra measures building TMPI if you want to also build the oprof method (i.e. passing the --with-methods="..." argument to TIMPI configure).

Start the configure and build process with...

(continue in the appropriate subsection)

libMesh (separate repo)

mkdir build
cd build
../configure --with-methods='opt' --prefix=$HOME/projects/libmesh/installed --with-static=yes --with-shared=no --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-unique-id --disable-maintainer-mode --enable-petsc-hypre-required --enable-metaphysicl-required --enable-netcdf-required NETCDF_DIR=C:/msys64/mingw64
make && make install

libMesh (MOOSE submodule)

METHOD=opt scripts/ --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-netcdf-required NETCDF_DIR=C:/msys64/mingw64

This will take a few minutes.


Now it is finally time to build MOOSE. We'll start with the framework and the tests. (adjust the -j option to you number of available cores)

cd $MOOSE_DIR/test
make -j 2

To run the resulting executables from the native Windows shell you may need to (for now) copy a few DLLs to the current directory. (this is not necessary when running in the msys2 shell)

cp `ldd moose_test-opt.exe |grep mingw | cut -d\> -f2|cut -d' ' -f2` .

Unfortunately the final moose executable also needs to be linked by hand. First install pcre

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-pcre

Then get the proper linking options for pcrecpp

pkg-config libpcrecpp --libs --static

and add this to the end of the final linking line (check make -n) and remove the contrib pcre stuff.