Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
libMesh Namespace Reference

The following methods are specializations for using the libMesh::Parallel::packed_range_* routines for std::strings. More...




class  AbaqusIO
class  AdaptiveTimeSolver
class  AdjointDofConstraintValues
class  AdjointRefinementEstimator
class  AdjointResidualErrorEstimator
class  AnalyticFunction
class  AztecLinearSolver
class  BasicOStreamProxy
class  BoundaryInfo
class  BoundaryMesh
class  BoundaryProjectSolution
class  BoundaryVolumeSolutionTransfer
class  BoundingBox
class  BuildProjectionList
struct  casting_compare
class  Cell
class  CentroidPartitioner
class  CheckpointIO
class  chunked_mapvector
struct  CompareDofObjectsByID
struct  CompareDofObjectsByPIDAndThenID
struct  CompareElemIdsByLevel
struct  CompareTypes
struct  CompareTypes< MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T, D, asd >, MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T, D, asd > >
struct  CompareTypes< MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T, D, asd >, MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T2, D2, asd > >
struct  CompareTypes< MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T, D, asd >, T2 >
struct  CompareTypes< MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T, T, asd >, MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T2, T2, asd > >
struct  CompareTypes< MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T, T, asd >, T2 >
struct  CompareTypes< MetaPhysicL::DynamicSparseNumberArray< T, IndexType >, T2 >
struct  CompareTypes< std::complex< T >, T >
struct  CompareTypes< T, MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T2, D, asd > >
struct  CompareTypes< T, MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T2, T2, asd > >
struct  CompareTypes< T, std::complex< T > >
struct  CompareTypes< T, T >
struct  CompareTypes< TypeVector< T >, TypeVector< T > >
struct  CompareTypes< TypeVector< T >, TypeVector< T2 > >
struct  CompareTypes< TypeVector< T >, VectorValue< T2 > >
struct  CompareTypes< VectorValue< T >, TypeVector< T2 > >
struct  CompareTypes< VectorValue< T >, VectorValue< T > >
struct  CompareTypes< VectorValue< T >, VectorValue< T2 > >
class  CompositeFEMFunction
class  CompositeFunction
class  CondensedEigenSystem
class  ConstCouplingAccessor
class  ConstCouplingRow
class  ConstCouplingRowConstIterator
class  ConstFEMFunction
class  ConstFunction
class  ConstParameterProxy
class  ConstTypeTensorColumn
class  ContinuationSystem
class  ConvergenceFailure
class  CouplingAccessor
class  CouplingMatrix
class  DefaultCoupling
class  DenseMatrix
class  DenseMatrixBase
class  DenseSubMatrix
class  DenseSubVector
class  DenseVector
class  DenseVectorBase
class  DGFEMContext
class  DiagonalMatrix
class  DiffContext
class  DifferentiablePhysics
class  DifferentiableQoI
class  DifferentiableSystem
class  DiffSolver
class  DirectSolutionTransfer
class  DirichletBoundaries
class  DirichletBoundary
class  DiscontinuityMeasure
class  DistributedMesh
class  DistributedVector
class  DofConstraints
class  DofConstraintValueMap
class  DofMap
class  DofObject
class  DSNAOutput
class  DSNAOutput< VectorValue< InnerOutput > >
class  DTKAdapter
class  DTKEvaluator
class  DTKSolutionTransfer
class  DynaIO
class  DynamicCastFailure
class  Edge
class  Edge2
class  Edge3
class  Edge4
class  EigenPreconditioner
class  EigenSolver
class  EigenSparseLinearSolver
class  EigenSparseMatrix
class  EigenSparseVector
class  EigenSystem
class  EigenTimeSolver
struct  EimPointData
struct  EIMVarGroupPlottingInfo
class  Elem
class  ElemAssembly
class  ElemCutter
struct  ElemHashUtils
class  ElemSideBuilder
class  EnsightIO
class  EpetraMatrix
class  EpetraVector
class  EquationSystems
class  ErrorEstimator
class  ErrorVector
class  Euler2Solver
class  EulerSolver
class  ExactErrorEstimator
class  ExactSolution
class  ExodusHeaderInfo
class  ExodusII_IO
class  ExodusII_IO_Helper
class  ExplicitSystem
class  Face
class  Factory
class  FactoryImp
class  FastPoolAllocator
class  FE
class  FEAbstract
class  FEClough
class  FEComputeData
class  FEGenericBase
class  FEHermite
class  FEHierarchic
class  FEHierarchicVec
class  FEInterface
class  FEL2Hierarchic
class  FEL2HierarchicVec
class  FEL2Lagrange
class  FEL2LagrangeVec
class  FEL2RaviartThomas
class  FELagrange
class  FELagrangeVec
class  FEMap
class  FEMContext
class  FEMFunctionBase
class  FEMFunctionWrapper
class  FEMonomial
class  FEMonomialVec
class  FEMPhysics
class  FEMSystem
class  FENedelecOne
struct  FEOutputType
struct  FEOutputType< HIERARCHIC_VEC >
struct  FEOutputType< L2_HIERARCHIC_VEC >
struct  FEOutputType< L2_LAGRANGE_VEC >
struct  FEOutputType< L2_RAVIART_THOMAS >
struct  FEOutputType< LAGRANGE_VEC >
struct  FEOutputType< MONOMIAL_VEC >
struct  FEOutputType< NEDELEC_ONE >
struct  FEOutputType< RAVIART_THOMAS >
class  FERaviartThomas
class  FEScalar
class  FESubdivision
class  FETransformationBase
class  FEType
class  FEXYZ
class  FEXYZMap
class  FileError
class  FileHistoryData
class  FileSolutionHistory
class  FirstOrderUnsteadySolver
class  FloatingPointException
class  FrequencySystem
class  FroIO
class  FunctionBase
class  GenericProjector
class  GhostingFunctor
class  GhostPointNeighbors
class  GmshIO
class  GMVIO
class  GnuPlotIO
class  GradientMeshFunction
class  H1FETransformation
struct  hash
class  HCurlFETransformation
class  HDivFETransformation
class  Hex
class  Hex20
class  Hex27
class  Hex8
class  HilbertSFCPartitioner
class  HistoryData
class  HPCoarsenTest
class  HPSelector
class  HPSingularity
class  ImplicitSystem
class  InfCell
class  InfEdge2
class  InfElemBuilder
class  InfFE
class  InfFEBase
class  InfFEMap
class  InfFERadial
class  InfHex
class  InfHex16
class  InfHex18
class  InfHex8
class  InfPrism
class  InfPrism12
class  InfPrism6
class  InfQuad
class  InfQuad4
class  InfQuad6
class  InterMeshProjection
class  IntRange
class  InverseDistanceInterpolation
class  JumpErrorEstimator
class  KellyErrorEstimator
class  LaplaceMeshSmoother
class  LaplacianErrorEstimator
class  LaspackLinearSolver
class  LaspackMatrix
class  LaspackVector
class  LibMeshInit
class  LinearImplicitSystem
class  LinearPartitioner
class  LinearSolutionMonitor
class  LinearSolver
class  LocationMap
class  LogicError
class  LumpedMassMatrix
class  MappedSubdomainPartitioner
class  mapvector
class  MatlabIO
class  MatrixFillAction
class  MEDITIO
class  MemoryHistoryData
class  MemorySolutionHistory
class  Mesh
struct  mesh_inserter_iterator
class  MeshBase
class  MeshCommunication
class  MeshfreeInterpolation
class  MeshfreeSolutionTransfer
class  MeshFunction
class  MeshFunctionSolutionTransfer
class  MeshInput
class  MeshlessInterpolationFunction
class  MeshOutput
class  MeshRefinement
class  MeshSerializer
class  MeshSmoother
class  METIS_CSR_Graph
class  MetisPartitioner
class  MortonSFCPartitioner
class  NameBasedIO
class  Nemesis_IO
class  Nemesis_IO_Helper
class  NewmarkSolver
class  NewmarkSystem
class  NewtonSolver
class  NloptOptimizationSolver
class  Node
class  NodeConstraints
class  NodeElem
class  NonlinearImplicitSystem
class  NonlinearSolver
class  NoSolutionHistory
class  NotImplemented
class  NoxNonlinearSolver
struct  null_output_iterator
class  NumericVector
class  OFFIO
class  OldSolutionBase
class  OldSolutionCoefs
class  OldSolutionValue
class  OptimizationSolver
class  OptimizationSystem
class  OrderWrapper
class  ParallelMesh
class  ParallelObject
class  ParameterAccessor
class  ParameterMultiAccessor
class  ParameterMultiPointer
class  ParameterPointer
class  ParameterProxy
class  Parameters
class  ParameterVector
class  ParmetisHelper
class  ParmetisPartitioner
class  ParsedFEMFunction
class  ParsedFEMFunctionParameter
class  ParsedFunction
class  ParsedFunctionParameter
class  Partitioner
class  Patch
class  PatchRecoveryErrorEstimator
class  PerfData
struct  PerfItem
class  PerfLog
class  PerfMon
class  PeriodicBoundaries
class  PeriodicBoundary
class  PeriodicBoundaryBase
class  PetscDiffSolver
struct  PetscDMContext
class  PetscDMWrapper
class  PetscLinearSolver
class  PetscMatrix
class  PetscNonlinearSolver
class  PetscPreconditioner
class  PetscShellMatrix
class  PetscSolverException
class  PetscVector
class  Plane
class  PltLoader
class  Point
class  PointerToPointerIter
class  PointLocatorBase
class  PointLocatorNanoflann
class  PointLocatorTree
class  PointNeighborCoupling
class  Poly2TriTriangulator
class  PoolAllocator
class  PostscriptIO
class  Preconditioner
class  Prism
class  Prism15
class  Prism18
class  Prism20
class  Prism21
class  Prism6
class  Problem_Interface
class  Pyramid
class  Pyramid13
class  Pyramid14
class  Pyramid18
class  Pyramid5
class  QBase
class  QClough
class  QComposite
class  QConical
class  QGauss
class  QGaussLobatto
class  QGrid
class  QGrundmann_Moller
class  QJacobi
class  QMonomial
class  QNodal
class  QoISet
class  QSimpson
class  QTrap
class  Quad
class  Quad4
class  Quad8
class  Quad9
class  QuadShell4
class  QuadShell8
class  RadialBasisInterpolation
class  RawAccessor
class  RawAccessor< TypeNTensor< N, ScalarType > >
struct  RawFieldType
struct  RawFieldType< Gradient >
struct  RawFieldType< Number >
struct  RawFieldType< Real >
struct  RawFieldType< RealGradient >
struct  RawFieldType< RealTensor >
struct  RawFieldType< Tensor >
struct  RawFieldType< TypeNTensor< 3, Number > >
struct  RawFieldType< TypeNTensor< 3, Real > >
class  RBAssemblyExpansion
class  RBConstruction
class  RBConstructionBase
class  RBEIMAssembly
class  RBEIMConstruction
class  RBEIMEvaluation
class  RBEIMTheta
class  RBEvaluation
class  RBParameters
class  RBParametrized
class  RBParametrizedFunction
class  RBSCMConstruction
class  RBSCMEvaluation
class  RBTemporalDiscretization
class  RBTheta
class  RBThetaExpansion
struct  RealTraits
class  ReferenceCountedObject
class  ReferenceCounter
class  RefinementSelector
class  RemoteElem
class  ReplicatedMesh
class  ResidualContext
struct  ScalarTraits
struct  ScalarTraits< MetaPhysicL::DualNumber< T, D, asd > >
struct  ScalarTraits< MetaPhysicL::DynamicSparseNumberArray< T, IndexType > >
struct  ScalarTraits< std::complex< T > >
class  SecondOrderUnsteadySolver
class  SensitivityData
class  SerialMesh
class  SFCPartitioner
class  ShellMatrix
class  SiblingCoupling
class  Side
class  SideEdge
class  SimpleRange
class  Singleton
class  SlepcEigenSolver
class  SolutionHistory
class  SolutionTransfer
class  SolverConfiguration
class  SolverException
class  SparseMatrix
class  SparseShellMatrix
class  Sphere
class  StatisticsVector
class  SteadySolver
class  StoredRange
class  SubdomainPartitioner
class  SumShellMatrix
class  Surface
struct  SyncElementIntegers
struct  SyncLocalIDs
struct  SyncNodalPositions
struct  SyncRefinementFlags
struct  SyncSubdomainIds
class  System
class  SystemNorm
class  SystemSubset
class  SystemSubsetBySubdomain
class  TaoOptimizationSolver
class  TecplotIO
class  TensorShellMatrix
class  TensorValue
class  TestClass
class  Tet
class  Tet10
class  Tet14
class  Tet4
class  TetGenIO
class  TetGenMeshInterface
class  TetGenWrapper
class  TimeSolver
class  TopologyMap
class  TransientRBAssemblyExpansion
class  TransientRBConstruction
class  TransientRBEvaluation
class  TransientRBThetaExpansion
class  TransientSystem
class  Tree
class  TreeBase
class  TreeNode
class  Tri
class  Tri3
class  Tri3Subdivision
class  Tri6
class  Tri7
class  TriangleInterface
class  TriangulatorInterface
class  TrilinosPreconditioner
class  TriShell3
struct  tuple_n
struct  tuple_n< 0, T >
class  TwostepTimeSolver
class  TypeNTensor
struct  TypesEqual
struct  TypesEqual< T, T >
class  TypeTensor
class  TypeTensorColumn
struct  TypeToSend
struct  TypeToSend< MetaPhysicL::DynamicSparseNumberArray< T, IndexType > >
class  TypeVector
struct  TypeVectorAttributes
class  TypeVectorOpFunction
class  UCDIO
class  UniformRefinementEstimator
class  UnsteadySolver
class  UnstructuredMesh
class  UNVIO
class  Variable
class  VariableGroup
class  VariationalMeshSmoother
struct  VectorizedEvalInput
class  vectormap
class  VectorOfNodesAdaptor
class  VectorSetAction
class  VectorValue
class  VTKIO
class  WeightedPatchRecoveryErrorEstimator
class  WendlandRBF
class  WrappedFunction
class  WrappedFunctor
struct  WrappedPetsc
class  Xdr
class  XdrIO
class  ZeroFunction


typedef std::map< dof_id_type, Real, std::less< dof_id_type >, Threads::scalable_allocator< std::pair< const dof_id_type, Real > > > DofConstraintRow
typedef std::map< const Node *, Real, std::less< const Node *>, Threads::scalable_allocator< std::pair< const Node *const, Real > > > NodeConstraintRow
typedef TestClass subdomain_id_type
typedef int8_t boundary_id_type
typedef uint8_t dof_id_type
typedef int8_t dof_id_signed_type
typedef uint8_t unique_id_type
typedef dof_id_type numeric_index_type
typedef uint8_t processor_id_type
typedef uint64_t largest_id_type
typedef subdomain_id_type elemset_id_type
typedef std::complex< RealComplex
typedef std::complex< RealCOMPLEX
typedef Real Number
typedef FEGenericBase< RealFEBase
typedef TensorValue< NumberNumberTensorValue
typedef NumberTensorValue Tensor
typedef VectorValue< NumberNumberVectorValue
typedef NumberVectorValue Gradient
typedef VectorValue< RealRealVectorValue
typedef TensorValue< RealRealTensorValue
typedef RealVectorValue RealGradient
typedef RealTensorValue RealTensor
typedef FEGenericBase< RealGradientFEVectorBase
typedef std::unordered_multiset< Elem *, ElemHashUtils, ElemHashUtilsunordered_multiset_elem
typedef StoredRange< MeshBase::element_iterator, Elem *> ElemRange
typedef StoredRange< MeshBase::const_element_iterator, const Elem *> ConstElemRange
typedef StoredRange< MeshBase::node_iterator, Node *> NodeRange
typedef StoredRange< MeshBase::const_node_iterator, const Node *> ConstNodeRange
typedef DistributedMesh DefaultMesh
typedef std::set< const Node *> connected_node_set_type
typedef int32_t eigen_idx_type
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix< Number, Eigen::RowMajor, eigen_idx_typeEigenSM
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Number, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > EigenSV
typedef typename tuple_n< Index, T >::template type<> tuple_of
typedef std::vector< RealRBParameter
typedef LinearImplicitSystem SteadyLinearSystem
typedef TransientSystem< LinearImplicitSystemTransientImplicitSystem
typedef TransientSystem< LinearImplicitSystemTransientLinearImplicitSystem
typedef TransientSystem< NonlinearImplicitSystemTransientNonlinearImplicitSystem
typedef TransientSystem< ExplicitSystemTransientExplicitSystem
typedef TransientSystem< SystemTransientBaseSystem
typedef TransientSystem< EigenSystemTransientEigenSystem
typedef BasicOStreamProxy OStreamProxy
typedef DynamicSparseNumberArray< Real, dof_id_typeDSNAN
typedef VectorValue< RealRealVectorValue
typedef FEGenericBase< RealFEBase
typedef FEGenericBase< VectorValue< Real > > FEVectorBase
template<typename T >
using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< T >
typedef TransientSystem< ExplicitSystemTransientExplicitSystem
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Real, Moose::dim, 1 > RealDIMValue
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > RealEigenVector
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dimRealVectorArrayValue
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dim *Moose::dimRealTensorArrayValue
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > RealEigenMatrix
typedef TensorValue< RealRealTensorValue


enum  VariableIndexing
enum  LinearConvergenceReason
enum  EigenSolverType
enum  EigenProblemType
enum  PositionOfSpectrum
enum  ElemQuality
enum  ElemType
enum  ElemMappingType
enum  ErrorEstimatorType
enum  FEFamily
enum  FEContinuity
enum  FEFieldType
enum  InfMapType
enum  IOPackage
enum  MatrixBuildType { MatrixBuildType::AUTOMATIC, MatrixBuildType::DIAGONAL }
enum  FEMNormType
enum  Order
enum  ParallelType
enum  PartitionerType
enum  PointLocatorType
enum  PreconditionerType
enum  QuadratureType
enum  SolverPackage
enum  SolverType
enum  SubsetSolveMode
enum  XdrMODE
enum  PetscMatrixType


bool initialized ()
bool closed ()
void enableFPE (bool on)
void enableSEGV (bool on)
bool on_command_line (std::string arg)
command_line_value (const std::string &, T)
command_line_value (const std::vector< std::string > &, T)
command_line_next (std::string name, T default_value)
void command_line_vector (const std::string &, std::vector< T > &)
std::vector< std::string > command_line_names ()
void add_command_line_name (const std::string &name)
void add_command_line_names (const GetPot &getpot)
SolverPackage default_solver_package ()
processor_id_type global_n_processors ()
processor_id_type global_processor_id ()
unsigned int n_threads ()
libmesh_real (T a)
libmesh_conj (T a)
libmesh_real (std::complex< T > a)
std::complex< T > libmesh_conj (std::complex< T > a)
bool libmesh_isnan (T x)
bool libmesh_isnan (std::complex< T > a)
bool libmesh_isinf (T x)
bool libmesh_isinf (std::complex< T > a)
void libmesh_ignore (const Args &...)
void libmesh_merge_move (T &target, T &source)
Tnew cast_ref (Told &oldvar)
Tnew cast_ptr (Told *oldvar)
Tnew libmesh_cast_ptr (Told *oldvar)
Tnew cast_int (Told oldvar)
Tnew libmesh_cast_int (Told oldvar)
void libmesh_version_stdout ()
int get_libmesh_version ()
std::string get_io_compatibility_version ()
void print_trace (std::ostream &out_stream=std::cerr)
std::string demangle (const char *name)
void write_traceout ()
OutputShape fe_fdm_deriv (const Elem *elem, const Order order, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, const Point &p, const bool add_p_level, OutputShape(*shape_func)(const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
OutputShape fe_fdm_deriv (const ElemType type, const Order order, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, const Point &p, OutputShape(*shape_func)(const ElemType, const Order, const unsigned int, const Point &))
OutputShape fe_fdm_second_deriv (const Elem *elem, const Order order, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, const Point &p, const bool add_p_level, OutputShape(*deriv_func)(const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
OutputShape fe_fdm_second_deriv (const ElemType type, const Order order, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, const Point &p, OutputShape(*deriv_func)(const ElemType, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &))
void lagrange_nodal_soln (const Elem *elem, const Order order, const std::vector< Number > &elem_soln, std::vector< Number > &nodal_soln, bool add_p_level=true)
unsigned int monomial_n_dofs (const ElemType t, const Order o)
void rational_fe_weighted_shapes (const Elem *elem, const FEType underlying_fe_type, std::vector< std::vector< Real >> &shapes, const std::vector< Point > &p, const bool add_p_level)
void rational_fe_weighted_shapes_derivs (const Elem *elem, const FEType fe_type, std::vector< std::vector< Real >> &shapes, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< Real >>> &derivs, const std::vector< Point > &p, const bool add_p_level)
Real rational_fe_shape (const Elem &elem, const FEType underlying_fe_type, const unsigned int i, const Point &p, const bool add_p_level)
Real rational_fe_shape_deriv (const Elem &elem, const FEType underlying_fe_type, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, const Point &p, const bool add_p_level)
Real rational_fe_shape_second_deriv (const Elem &elem, const FEType underlying_fe_type, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, const Point &p, const bool add_p_level)
void rational_all_shapes (const Elem &elem, const FEType underlying_fe_type, const std::vector< Point > &p, std::vector< std::vector< Real >> &v, const bool add_p_level)
void rational_all_shape_derivs (const Elem &elem, const FEType underlying_fe_type, const std::vector< Point > &p, std::vector< std::vector< OutputShape >> *comps[3], const bool add_p_level)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_linear_shape (const unsigned int i, const Real xi)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_quadratic_shape (const unsigned int i, const Real xi)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_cubic_shape (const unsigned int i, const Real xi)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_shape (const Order order, const unsigned int i, const Real xi)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_linear_shape_deriv (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int libmesh_dbg_var(j), const Real)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_quadratic_shape_deriv (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int libmesh_dbg_var(j), const Real xi)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_cubic_shape_deriv (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int libmesh_dbg_var(j), const Real xi)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_shape_deriv (const Order order, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, const Real xi)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_quadratic_shape_second_deriv (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int libmesh_dbg_var(j), const Real)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_cubic_shape_second_deriv (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int libmesh_dbg_var(j), const Real xi)
Real fe_lagrange_1D_shape_second_deriv (const Order order, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, const Real xi)
bool operator== (const OrderWrapper &lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator!= (const OrderWrapper &lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator< (const OrderWrapper &lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator> (const OrderWrapper &lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator<= (const OrderWrapper &lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator>= (const OrderWrapper &lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
 OrderWrapperOperators (int) OrderWrapperOperators(unsigned int) OrderWrapperOperators(std
bool operator== (const OrderWrapper &lhs, int rhs)
bool operator== (Order lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator== (const OrderWrapper &lhs, Order rhs)
bool operator!= (int lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator!= (const OrderWrapper &lhs, int rhs)
bool operator!= (Order lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator!= (const OrderWrapper &lhs, Order rhs)
bool operator< (int lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator< (const OrderWrapper &lhs, int rhs)
bool operator< (Order lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator< (const OrderWrapper &lhs, Order rhs)
bool operator> (int lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator> (const OrderWrapper &lhs, int rhs)
bool operator> (Order lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator> (const OrderWrapper &lhs, Order rhs)
bool operator<= (int lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator<= (const OrderWrapper &lhs, int rhs)
bool operator<= (Order lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator<= (const OrderWrapper &lhs, Order rhs)
bool operator>= (int lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator>= (const OrderWrapper &lhs, int rhs)
bool operator>= (Order lhs, const OrderWrapper &rhs)
bool operator>= (const OrderWrapper &lhs, Order rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const OrderWrapper &order)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Elem &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Node &n)
std::unique_ptr< CheckpointIOsplit_mesh (MeshBase &mesh, processor_id_type nsplits)
void query_ghosting_functors (const MeshBase &mesh, processor_id_type pid, MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_it, MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_end, std::set< const Elem *, CompareElemIdsByLevel > &connected_elements)
void connect_children (const MeshBase &mesh, MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_it, MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_end, std::set< const Elem *, CompareElemIdsByLevel > &connected_elements)
void connect_families (std::set< const Elem *, CompareElemIdsByLevel > &connected_elements, const MeshBase *mesh=nullptr)
void reconnect_nodes (const std::set< const Elem *, CompareElemIdsByLevel > &connected_elements, connected_node_set_type &connected_nodes)
PetscScalar PS (T val)
PetscScalar * pPS (T *ptr)
const PetscScalar * pPS (const T *ptr)
PetscReal * pPR (T *ptr)
const PetscReal * pPR (const T *ptr)
PetscInt * numeric_petsc_cast (const numeric_index_type *p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SparseMatrix< T > &m)
intnumeric_trilinos_cast (const numeric_index_type *p)
boostcopy::enable_if_c< ScalarTraits< Scalar >::value, TypeNTensor< N, typename CompareTypes< Scalar, T >::supertype > >::type operator* (const Scalar &, const TypeNTensor< N, T > &)
boostcopy::enable_if_c< ScalarTraits< Scalar >::value, TypeNTensor< N, typename CompareTypes< Scalar, T >::supertype > >::type operator/ (const Scalar &, const TypeNTensor< N, T > &)
boostcopy::enable_if_c< ScalarTraits< Scalar >::value, TypeTensor< typename CompareTypes< T, Scalar >::supertype > >::type operator* (const Scalar &factor, const TypeTensor< T > &t)
TypeVector< typename CompareTypes< T, T2 >::supertype > operator* (const TypeVector< T > &a, const TypeTensor< T2 > &b)
TypeTensor< typename CompareTypes< T, T2 >::supertype > outer_product (const TypeVector< T > &a, const TypeVector< T2 > &b)
boostcopy::enable_if_c< ScalarTraits< Scalar >::value, TypeVector< typename CompareTypes< T, Scalar >::supertype > >::type operator* (const Scalar &factor, const TypeVector< T > &v)
triple_product (const TypeVector< T > &a, const TypeVector< T > &b, const TypeVector< T > &c)
cross_norm_sq (const TypeVector< T > &b, const TypeVector< T > &c)
cross_norm (const TypeVector< T > &b, const TypeVector< T > &c)
TypeVector< typename CompareTypes< T, T2 >::supertype > outer_product (const T &a, const TypeVector< T2 > &b)
TypeVector< typename CompareTypes< T, T2 >::supertype > outer_product (const TypeVector< T > &a, const T2 &b)
double __libmesh_nlopt_objective (unsigned n, const double *x, double *gradient, void *data)
void __libmesh_nlopt_equality_constraints (unsigned m, double *result, unsigned n, const double *x, double *gradient, void *data)
void __libmesh_nlopt_inequality_constraints (unsigned m, double *result, unsigned n, const double *x, double *gradient, void *data)
void petsc_auto_fieldsplit (PC my_pc, const System &sys)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_recalculate_monitor (SNES snes, PetscInt it, PetscReal norm, void *mctx)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_snes_monitor (SNES, PetscInt its, PetscReal fnorm, void *)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_snes_residual (SNES, Vec x, Vec r, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_snes_fd_residual (SNES, Vec x, Vec r, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_snes_mffd_residual (SNES snes, Vec x, Vec r, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_snes_mffd_interface (void *ctx, Vec x, Vec r)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_snes_jacobian (SNES, Vec x, Mat jac, Mat pc, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_snes_precheck (SNESLineSearch, Vec X, Vec Y, PetscBool *changed, void *context)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_snes_postcheck (SNESLineSearch, Vec x, Vec y, Vec w, PetscBool *changed_y, PetscBool *changed_w, void *context)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_linesearch_shellfunc (SNESLineSearch linesearch, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_snes_monitor (SNES, PetscInt its, PetscReal fnorm, void *)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_snes_residual (SNES, Vec x, Vec r, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_snes_fd_residual (SNES, Vec x, Vec r, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_snes_mffd_interface (void *ctx, Vec x, Vec r)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_snes_jacobian (SNES, Vec x, Mat jac, Mat pc, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_snes_postcheck (SNESLineSearch, Vec x, Vec y, Vec w, PetscBool *changed_y, PetscBool *changed_w, void *context)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_tao_objective (Tao tao, Vec x, PetscReal *objective, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_tao_gradient (Tao tao, Vec x, Vec g, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_tao_hessian (Tao tao, Vec x, Mat h, Mat pc, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_tao_equality_constraints (Tao tao, Vec x, Vec ce, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_tao_equality_constraints_jacobian (Tao tao, Vec x, Mat J, Mat Jpre, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_tao_inequality_constraints (Tao tao, Vec x, Vec cineq, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_tao_inequality_constraints_jacobian (Tao tao, Vec x, Mat J, Mat Jpre, void *ctx)
const TypeToSend< T >::type convert_to_send (const T &in)
void convert_from_receive (SendT &received, T &converted)
 ScalarTraits_true (char)
 ScalarTraits_true (short)
 ScalarTraits_true (int)
 ScalarTraits_true (long)
 ScalarTraits_true (unsigned char)
 ScalarTraits_true (float)
 ScalarTraits_true (double)
 ScalarTraits_true (Real)
 RealTraits_true (float)
 RealTraits_true (double)
 RealTraits_true (long double)
 SUPERTYPE (unsigned char, short)
 SUPERTYPE (unsigned char, int)
 SUPERTYPE (unsigned char, float)
 SUPERTYPE (unsigned char, double)
 SUPERTYPE (unsigned char, long double)
 SUPERTYPE (char, short)
 SUPERTYPE (char, int)
 SUPERTYPE (char, float)
 SUPERTYPE (char, double)
 SUPERTYPE (char, long double)
 SUPERTYPE (short, int)
 SUPERTYPE (short, float)
 SUPERTYPE (short, double)
 SUPERTYPE (short, long double)
 SUPERTYPE (int, float)
 SUPERTYPE (int, double)
 SUPERTYPE (int, long double)
 SUPERTYPE (float, double)
 SUPERTYPE (float, long double)
 SUPERTYPE (double, long double)
 SUPERTYPE (unsigned char, Real)
 SUPERTYPE (char, Real)
 SUPERTYPE (short, Real)
 SUPERTYPE (int, Real)
 SUPERTYPE (float, Real)
 SUPERTYPE (double, Real)
 SUPERTYPE (long double, Real)
auto index_range (const T &sizable)
IntRange< numeric_index_typeindex_range (const NumericVector< T > &vec)
IntRange< T > make_range (T beg, T end)
IntRange< T > make_range (T end)
void print_helper (std::ostream &os, const P *param)
void print_helper (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< P > *param)
void print_helper (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< std::vector< P >> *param)
void print_helper (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< P >>> *param)
void print_helper (std::ostream &os, const std::map< P1, P2, C, A > *param)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Parameters &p)
void print_helper (std::ostream &os, const char *param)
void print_helper (std::ostream &os, const unsigned char *param)
SimpleRange< IndexType > as_range (const std::pair< IndexType, IndexType > &p)
SimpleRange< IndexType > as_range (const IndexType &first, const IndexType &second)
bool warned_about_auto_ptr (false)
const Number imaginary (0., 1.)
void libmesh_terminate_handler ()
template LIBMESH_EXPORT unsigned char command_line_value< unsigned char > (const std::string &, unsigned char)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT unsigned short command_line_value< unsigned short > (const std::string &, unsigned short)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT unsigned int command_line_value< unsigned int > (const std::string &, unsigned int)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT char command_line_value< char > (const std::string &, char)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT short command_line_value< short > (const std::string &, short)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT int command_line_value< int > (const std::string &, int)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT float command_line_value< float > (const std::string &, float)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT double command_line_value< double > (const std::string &, double)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT long double command_line_value< long double > (const std::string &, long double)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT std::string command_line_value< std::string > (const std::string &, std::string)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT unsigned char command_line_value< unsigned char > (const std::vector< std::string > &, unsigned char)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT unsigned short command_line_value< unsigned short > (const std::vector< std::string > &, unsigned short)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT unsigned int command_line_value< unsigned int > (const std::vector< std::string > &, unsigned int)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT char command_line_value< char > (const std::vector< std::string > &, char)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT short command_line_value< short > (const std::vector< std::string > &, short)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT int command_line_value< int > (const std::vector< std::string > &, int)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT float command_line_value< float > (const std::vector< std::string > &, float)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT double command_line_value< double > (const std::vector< std::string > &, double)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT long double command_line_value< long double > (const std::vector< std::string > &, long double)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT std::string command_line_value< std::string > (const std::vector< std::string > &, std::string)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT unsigned char command_line_next< unsigned char > (std::string, unsigned char)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT unsigned short command_line_next< unsigned short > (std::string, unsigned short)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT unsigned int command_line_next< unsigned int > (std::string, unsigned int)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT char command_line_next< char > (std::string, char)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT short command_line_next< short > (std::string, short)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT int command_line_next< int > (std::string, int)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT float command_line_next< float > (std::string, float)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT double command_line_next< double > (std::string, double)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT long double command_line_next< long double > (std::string, long double)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT std::string command_line_next< std::string > (std::string, std::string)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< unsigned char > (const std::string &, std::vector< unsigned char > &)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< unsigned short > (const std::string &, std::vector< unsigned short > &)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< unsigned int > (const std::string &, std::vector< unsigned int > &)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< char > (const std::string &, std::vector< char > &)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< short > (const std::string &, std::vector< short > &)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< int > (const std::string &, std::vector< int > &)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< float > (const std::string &, std::vector< float > &)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< double > (const std::string &, std::vector< double > &)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< long double > (const std::string &, std::vector< long double > &)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT Real command_line_value< Real > (const std::string &, Real)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT Real command_line_value< Real > (const std::vector< std::string > &, Real)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT Real command_line_next< Real > (std::string, Real)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void command_line_vector< Real > (const std::string &, std::vector< Real > &)
template Real fe_fdm_deriv< Real > (const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool, Real(*shape_func)(const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
template Real fe_fdm_deriv< Real > (const ElemType, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, Real(*shape_func)(const ElemType, const Order, const unsigned int, const Point &))
template RealGradient fe_fdm_deriv< RealGradient > (const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool, RealGradient(*shape_func)(const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
template Real fe_fdm_second_deriv< Real > (const ElemType, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, Real(*shape_func)(const ElemType, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &))
template Real fe_fdm_second_deriv< Real > (const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool, Real(*shape_func)(const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
template RealGradient fe_fdm_second_deriv< RealGradient > (const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool, RealGradient(*shape_func)(const Elem *, const Order, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void rational_all_shape_derivs< double > (const Elem &elem, const FEType underlying_fe_type, const std::vector< Point > &p, std::vector< std::vector< Real >> *comps[3], const bool add_p_level)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FEAbstract &fe)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (BERNSTEIN, bernstein_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (CLOUGH, clough_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (HERMITE, hermite_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (HIERARCHIC, hierarchic_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (L2_HIERARCHIC, l2_hierarchic_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (L2_LAGRANGE, lagrange_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (LAGRANGE, lagrange_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (MONOMIAL, monomial_nodal_soln)
bool orientation (std::array< Point, N > &arr)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (SCALAR, scalar_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (SIDE_HIERARCHIC, side_hierarchic_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (SZABAB, szabab_nodal_soln)
 LIBMESH_FE_NODAL_SOLN (XYZ, xyz_nodal_soln)
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, reinit(const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Real, const std::vector< Point > *const, const std::vector< Real > *const))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, reinit(const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Real, const std::vector< Point > *const, const std::vector< Real > *const))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, reinit(const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Real, const std::vector< Point > *const, const std::vector< Real > *const))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, edge_reinit(const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Real, const std::vector< Point > *const, const std::vector< Real > *const))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, edge_reinit(const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Real, const std::vector< Point > *const, const std::vector< Real > *const))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, edge_reinit(const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Real, const std::vector< Point > *const, const std::vector< Real > *const))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, init_face_shape_functions(const std::vector< Point > &, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, init_face_shape_functions(const std::vector< Point > &, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, init_face_shape_functions(const std::vector< Point > &, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, compute_face_functions())
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, compute_face_functions())
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, compute_face_functions())
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs(const FEType &, const ElemType))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs(const FEType &, const ElemType))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs(const FEType &, const ElemType))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs(const FEType &, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs(const FEType &, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs(const FEType &, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_per_elem(const FEType &, const ElemType))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_per_elem(const FEType &, const ElemType))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_per_elem(const FEType &, const ElemType))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_per_elem(const FEType &, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_per_elem(const FEType &, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_per_elem(const FEType &, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_at_node(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_at_node(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_at_node(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_at_node(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_at_node(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, unsigned int, n_dofs_at_node(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, compute_shape_indices(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int, unsigned int &, unsigned int &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, compute_shape_indices(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int, unsigned int &, unsigned int &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, compute_shape_indices(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int, unsigned int &, unsigned int &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, compute_shape_indices(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int, unsigned int &, unsigned int &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, compute_shape_indices(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int, unsigned int &, unsigned int &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, compute_shape_indices(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int, unsigned int &, unsigned int &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, compute_node_indices(const ElemType, const unsigned int, unsigned int &, unsigned int &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, compute_node_indices(const ElemType, const unsigned int, unsigned int &, unsigned int &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, compute_node_indices(const ElemType, const unsigned int, unsigned int &, unsigned int &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, Real, shape(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Point &p))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, Real, shape(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Point &p))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, Real, shape(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Point &p))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, Real, shape(const FEType, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, Real, shape(const FEType, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, Real, shape(const FEType, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, Real, shape(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int, const Point &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, Real, shape(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int, const Point &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, Real, shape(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int, const Point &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, Real, shape_deriv(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, Real, shape_deriv(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, Real, shape_deriv(const FEType &, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, Real, shape_deriv(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, Real, shape_deriv(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, Real, shape_deriv(const FEType &, const ElemType, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, Real, shape_deriv(const FEType, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, Real, shape_deriv(const FEType, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, Real, shape_deriv(const FEType, const Elem *, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, const Point &, const bool))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, compute_data(const FEType &, const Elem *, FEComputeData &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, compute_data(const FEType &, const Elem *, FEComputeData &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, compute_data(const FEType &, const Elem *, FEComputeData &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, nodal_soln(const FEType &, const Elem *, const std::vector< Number > &, std::vector< Number > &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, nodal_soln(const FEType &, const Elem *, const std::vector< Number > &, std::vector< Number > &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, nodal_soln(const FEType &, const Elem *, const std::vector< Number > &, std::vector< Number > &))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, inf_compute_constraints(DofConstraints &, DofMap &, const unsigned int, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, inf_compute_constraints(DofConstraints &, DofMap &, const unsigned int, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, inf_compute_constraints(DofConstraints &, DofMap &, const unsigned int, const Elem *))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (1, CARTESIAN, void, inf_compute_node_constraints(NodeConstraints &constraints, const Elem *elem))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (2, CARTESIAN, void, inf_compute_node_constraints(NodeConstraints &constraints, const Elem *elem))
 INSTANTIATE_INF_FE_MBRF (3, CARTESIAN, void, inf_compute_node_constraints(NodeConstraints &constraints, const Elem *elem))
bool is_between (Real min, Real check, Real max)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MeshBase &m)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void MeshCommunication::find_global_indices< MeshBase::const_node_iterator > (const Parallel::Communicator &, const libMesh::BoundingBox &, const MeshBase::const_node_iterator &, const MeshBase::const_node_iterator &, std::vector< dof_id_type > &) const
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void MeshCommunication::find_global_indices< MeshBase::const_element_iterator > (const Parallel::Communicator &, const libMesh::BoundingBox &, const MeshBase::const_element_iterator &, const MeshBase::const_element_iterator &, std::vector< dof_id_type > &) const
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void MeshCommunication::find_global_indices< MeshBase::node_iterator > (const Parallel::Communicator &, const libMesh::BoundingBox &, const MeshBase::node_iterator &, const MeshBase::node_iterator &, std::vector< dof_id_type > &) const
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void MeshCommunication::find_global_indices< MeshBase::element_iterator > (const Parallel::Communicator &, const libMesh::BoundingBox &, const MeshBase::element_iterator &, const MeshBase::element_iterator &, std::vector< dof_id_type > &) const
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void MeshCommunication::find_local_indices< MeshBase::const_element_iterator > (const libMesh::BoundingBox &, const MeshBase::const_element_iterator &, const MeshBase::const_element_iterator &, std::unordered_map< dof_id_type, dof_id_type > &) const
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Complex, int, Complex)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Real, float, Complex)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Complex, float, Complex)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Complex, float, Real)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Real, std::complex< float >, Complex)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Complex, std::complex< float >, Complex)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Complex, std::complex< float >, Real)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Real, double, Complex)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Complex, double, Complex)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Complex, double, Real)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Real, std::complex< double >, Complex)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Complex, std::complex< double >, Complex)
 LIBMESH_VMA_INSTANTIATE (Complex, std::complex< double >, Real)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const QBase &q)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MeshfreeInterpolation &mfi)
SIGN (T a, T b)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_diff_solver_monitor (SNES snes, PetscInt its, PetscReal fnorm, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_diff_solver_residual (SNES, Vec x, Vec r, void *ctx)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_diff_solver_jacobian (SNES, Vec x, Mat libmesh_dbg_var(j), Mat pc, void *ctx)
DiffSolver::SolveResult convert_solve_result (SNESConvergedReason r)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_DMCreateSubDM (DM dm, PetscInt numFields, PetscInt fields[], IS *is, DM *subdm) PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_DMCreateSubDM(DM dm
 CHKERRQ (ierr)
 libmesh_assert (ctx)
 if (subdm)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_DMRefine (DM dmc, MPI_Comm, DM *dmf)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_DMCoarsen (DM dmf, MPI_Comm, DM *dmc)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_DMCreateInterpolation (DM dmc, DM dmf, Mat *mat, Vec *vec)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_DMCreateRestriction (DM dmc, DM dmf, Mat *mat)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_preconditioner_setup (PC pc)
PetscErrorCode libmesh_petsc_preconditioner_apply (PC pc, Vec x, Vec y)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_preconditioner_setup (PC pc)
PetscErrorCode __libmesh_petsc_preconditioner_apply (PC pc, Vec x, Vec y)
ResidualContext libmesh_petsc_snes_residual_helper (SNES snes, Vec x, void *ctx)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EquationSystems &es)
const std::vector< std::pair< IndexType, T > > convert_to_send (MetaPhysicL::DynamicSparseNumberArray< T, IndexType > &in)
void convert_from_receive (SendT &received, MetaPhysicL::DynamicSparseNumberArray< T, IndexType > &converted)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::complex< float > > (std::complex< float > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::complex< double > > (std::complex< double > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::complex< long double > > (std::complex< long double > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::string > (std::string &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< int > > (std::vector< int > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< unsigned int > > (std::vector< unsigned int > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< short int > > (std::vector< short int > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< unsigned short int > > (std::vector< unsigned short int > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< long int > > (std::vector< long int > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< long long > > (std::vector< long long > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< unsigned long int > > (std::vector< unsigned long int > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< unsigned long long > > (std::vector< unsigned long long > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< char > > (std::vector< char > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< signed char > > (std::vector< signed char > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< unsigned char > > (std::vector< unsigned char > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< float > > (std::vector< float > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< double > > (std::vector< double > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< long double > > (std::vector< long double > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< std::complex< float > > > (std::vector< std::complex< float >> &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > (std::vector< std::complex< double >> &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< std::complex< long double > > > (std::vector< std::complex< long double >> &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< std::string > > (std::vector< std::string > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::complex< Real > > (std::complex< Real > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< Real > > (std::vector< Real > &, std::string_view)
template LIBMESH_EXPORT void Xdr::data< std::vector< std::complex< Real > > > (std::vector< std::complex< Real >> &, std::string_view)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &json, const Point &p)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &json, const DenseVector< Real > &vector)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &json, const DenseMatrix< Real > &matrix)
void print_helper (std::ostream &os, const Moose::RelationshipManagerType *param)


DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH HERE typedef float ErrorVectorReal
FactoryImp< ExampleOneFunction, FunctionBase< Number > > example_one_factory ("example_one")
OStreamProxy out (std::cout)
OStreamProxy err (std::cerr)
PerfLog perflog ("libMesh", #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING true #else false #endif)
FactoryImp< ExampleOneFunction, FunctionBase< Number > > example_one_factory ("example_one")
const Number imaginary
const Real pi
const Number zero
const unsigned int invalid_uint
const int invalid_int
OStreamProxy out
OStreamProxy err
static constexpr Real TOLERANCE
bool warned_about_auto_ptr
constexpr std::false_type always_false
PerfLog perflog
const RemoteElemremote_elem
const unsigned char triangular_number_row []
const unsigned char triangular_number_column []
const unsigned char square_number_row []
const unsigned char square_number_column []
const unsigned char cube_number_row []
const unsigned char cube_number_column []
const unsigned char cube_number_page []
const unsigned char tetrahedral_number_row []
const unsigned char tetrahedral_number_column []
const unsigned char tetrahedral_number_page []
const unsigned char prism_number_triangle []
const unsigned char prism_number_page []
MPI_Errhandler libmesh_errhandler
std::terminate_handler old_terminate_handler
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT FEGenericBase< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT FEGenericBase< RealGradient >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT FETransformationBase< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT FETransformationBase< RealGradient >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT FEXYZ< 2 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT FEXYZ< 3 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT H1FETransformation< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT H1FETransformation< RealGradient >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT HCurlFETransformation< RealGradient >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT HDivFETransformation< RealGradient >
Threads::spin_mutex parent_indices_mutex
Threads::spin_mutex parent_bracketing_nodes_mutex
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT MeshOutput< MeshBase >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT MeshOutput< UnstructuredMesh >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT MeshOutput< DistributedMesh >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseMatrix< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseMatrix< Complex >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseMatrixBase< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseMatrixBase< Complex >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseSubMatrix< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseSubMatrix< Complex >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseSubVector< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseSubVector< Complex >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseVector< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseVector< Complex >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseVectorBase< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DenseVectorBase< Complex >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DiagonalMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT DistributedVector< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT EigenPreconditioner< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT EigenSparseMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT EigenSparseVector< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT LaspackMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT LaspackVector< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT LumpedMassMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT NumericVector< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT PetscMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT PetscPreconditioner< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT PetscShellMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT PetscVector< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT Preconditioner< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT ShellMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT SparseMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT SparseShellMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT SumShellMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TensorShellMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT EpetraMatrix< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT EpetraVector< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TrilinosPreconditioner< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TypeTensor< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TypeTensor< Complex >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TypeVector< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TypeVector< Complex >
const unsigned int MIN_ELEM_PER_PROC
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT QComposite< QGauss >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT QComposite< QTrap >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT QComposite< QSimpson >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT RBConstructionBase< CondensedEigenSystem >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT RBConstructionBase< LinearImplicitSystem >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT RBConstructionBase< System >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT InverseDistanceInterpolation< 1 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT InverseDistanceInterpolation< 2 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT InverseDistanceInterpolation< 3 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT RadialBasisInterpolation< 3, WendlandRBF< 3, 0 > >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT RadialBasisInterpolation< 3, WendlandRBF< 3, 2 > >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT RadialBasisInterpolation< 3, WendlandRBF< 3, 4 > >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT RadialBasisInterpolation< 3, WendlandRBF< 3, 8 > >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT EigenSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT EigenSparseLinearSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT LaspackLinearSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT LinearSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT NloptOptimizationSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT NonlinearSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT OptimizationSolver< Number >
PetscErrorCode PetscInt numFields
PetscErrorCode PetscInt const PetscInt fields []
PetscErrorCode PetscInt const PetscInt IS * is
PetscErrorCode PetscInt const PetscInt IS DM * subdm
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT PetscLinearSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT PetscNonlinearSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT SlepcEigenSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TaoOptimizationSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT AztecLinearSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT NoxNonlinearSolver< Number >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TransientSystem< LinearImplicitSystem >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TransientSystem< NonlinearImplicitSystem >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TransientSystem< ExplicitSystem >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TransientSystem< System >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TransientSystem< RBConstruction >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TransientSystem< EigenSystem >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT LocationMap< Elem >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT LocationMap< Node >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT StatisticsVector< float >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT StatisticsVector< double >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT StatisticsVector< long double >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT StatisticsVector< Real >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT StatisticsVector< int >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT StatisticsVector< unsigned int >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT Tree< 2 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT Tree< 4 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT Tree< 8 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TreeNode< 2 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TreeNode< 4 >
template class LIBMESH_EXPORT TreeNode< 8 >

Detailed Description

The following methods are specializations for using the libMesh::Parallel::packed_range_* routines for std::strings.

These are here because the dataLoad/dataStore routines create raw string buffers that can be communicated in a standard way using packed ranges.

Typedef Documentation

◆ FEBase

Definition at line 40 of file Assembly.h.

◆ FEVectorBase

Definition at line 42 of file Assembly.h.

◆ RealDIMValue

typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Moose::dim, 1> libMesh::RealDIMValue

Definition at line 137 of file MooseTypes.h.

◆ RealEigenMatrix

typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> libMesh::RealEigenMatrix

Definition at line 141 of file MooseTypes.h.

◆ RealEigenVector

typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> libMesh::RealEigenVector

Definition at line 138 of file MooseTypes.h.

◆ RealTensorArrayValue

typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dim * Moose::dim> libMesh::RealTensorArrayValue

Definition at line 140 of file MooseTypes.h.

◆ RealTensorValue

Definition at line 145 of file MooseTypes.h.

◆ RealVectorArrayValue

typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dim> libMesh::RealVectorArrayValue

Definition at line 139 of file MooseTypes.h.

◆ RealVectorValue

Definition at line 37 of file Assembly.h.

◆ TransientExplicitSystem

Definition at line 20 of file DisplacedSystem.h.

◆ UniquePtr

template<typename T >
using libMesh::UniquePtr = typedef std::unique_ptr<T>

Definition at line 31 of file Moose.h.

Function Documentation

◆ print_helper()

void libMesh::print_helper ( std::ostream &  os,
const Moose::RelationshipManagerType param 

Definition at line 912 of file MooseTypes.h.

913 {
914  // Specialization so that we don't print out unprintable characters
915  os << Moose::stringify(*param);
916 }
std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > * os
Definition: InfixIterator.h:33
std::string stringify(const T &t)
conversion to string
Definition: Conversion.h:62

◆ to_json() [1/3]

void libMesh::to_json ( nlohmann::json &  json,
const Point p 

Definition at line 50 of file JsonIO.C.

51 {
52  json["x"] = p(0);
53  json["y"] = p(1);
54  json["z"] = p(2);
55 }

◆ to_json() [2/3]

void libMesh::to_json ( nlohmann::json &  json,
const DenseVector< Real > &  vector 

Definition at line 58 of file JsonIO.C.

59 {
60  nlohmann::to_json(json, vector.get_values());
61 }
void to_json(nlohmann::json &json, const MooseApp &app)
Definition: JsonIO.C:22

◆ to_json() [3/3]

void libMesh::to_json ( nlohmann::json &  json,
const DenseMatrix< Real > &  matrix 

Definition at line 64 of file JsonIO.C.

65 {
66  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> values(matrix.m(), std::vector<Real>(matrix.n()));
67  for (const auto i : make_range(matrix.m()))
68  for (const auto j : make_range(matrix.n()))
69  values[i][j] = matrix(i, j);
70  nlohmann::to_json(json, values);
71 }
unsigned int m() const
IntRange< T > make_range(T beg, T end)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &json, const MooseApp &app)
Definition: JsonIO.C:22
unsigned int n() const